Lego House

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Sammie's POV

Later one night, I was about to fall asleep when my phone buzzed. Who would want to talk to me at 11:00 at night? Looking down at the text I read,

'Look outside! x'

What? Getting out of bed, I walked over to my window. Down below me, Louis was standing with a guitar in his hands.

"I'm so sorry Sam! I love you!" Picking up the guitar he began to sing. I sat on the now open window frame, swinging my legs over so that they were dangling outside. The cool night breeze blew my hair slightly. As Louis started to sing, I listened closely.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces,

And build a Lego house

If things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings,

There's one thing on my mind

It's all for you"

He sang, and I recognized the song as Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Listening even closer, I could tell by his face and the way he was singing that he meant every word he sang. How could I stay mad at him now? Was I still a little ticked off? Sure, but I couldn't stay silent.

After he finished he yelled, "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Sometimes you make me so mad I want to throw you in the middle of on-going traffic; but then I realize I would probably kill myself trying to save you!" I yelled back.

Laughing Louis said, "I love you Sammie! I am so sorry!"

"I know. And remember, saying sorry doesn't fix everything."

"What else would you like me to do for you m'lady?" He asked jokingly.

"Oh I have an idea of a way you can make it all up to me," I said with a wink.

"Well in that case, I can't wait!"

"Don't get your hopes up, I was kidding," I saw his head sink. "Or was I?" I saw his head snap bolt upright when I said that. Swinging my legs back inside, I fell asleep a lot happier than before.


The next day, all of the boys decided to go to the city to go shop. Well that is everyone except Louis, he was staying home with me. It took Harry a second but he reluctantly left without saying anything or showing the slightest hint of anger. Once the boys left I saw Louis get up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Back to my room."

"No you're not. You're staying right here with me and I'm going to have you make it up to me. The first step is you have to watch a chick flick with me." Letting out an annoyed sigh Louis sat back down next to me.

"I'm only doing this because I love you," he said.

I made him watch 'The Lucky One' with me since I love it so much. I was proud of myself because I didn't cry at all. When I let out a small sniffle, Louis just pulled me closer to him making me feel all better. After the movie was over, he looked over at me.

"You should be kissed every day, every hour, every minute," he whispered in my ear. His soft voice sent chills down my spine.

"You guessed part two of making it up to me, without me telling you. Good. Job," I whispered quietly in his ear.

Without saying anything, he kissed me. He kissed me hard. Our lips moved in sync as I ran my fingers through his hair. I heard a small gasp emanate from his lips as I did that. I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip. Joking around, I kept my lips closed tight. Before I could do anything else, I felt Louis' hand slide up my shorts. As I went to let out a gasp, he took it as his chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. Smirking, he pulled me closer to him. I didn't like this, when he kissed me I became weak. Vulnerable. I felt Louis' hands run up and down my thighs. Unlike before, he was gentle and his touch sent sparks to my brain. I was loving every second of this. Finally removing his hands from my legs, he went to tangle his fingers in my hair. Then moving downward he went to go lift my shirt up. Shaking my head 'no' I watched him sigh in defeat. As he was about to try to grind with me, I went really close to his ear and whispered, "No. Not...yet."

He shuddered and I liked it. I was getting in his head whether he liked it or not. Just as we went back to kissing the door opened. It was the boys. They were home already?! Louis and I tried to make it look like nothing happened, but it was pretty obvious.

"Had some fun did you guys?" Niall asked laughing.

My cheeks turned really red, and Louis buried my face in his chest to protect me.

Harry's reaction was really what surprised me though. Instead of getting upset like I thought he would, he just stood there shaking his head and laughing. At least he found our embarrassment funny.

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