Wrapped Around Your Finger

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One Year Later

It has been exactly one year since I left my small town to stay with my brother here in London. What was only supposed to be a few months, turned into a year and a half. I'm now nineteen, and I'll be twenty in a few weeks. Ever since the day I remembered, nobody has fought. Now we are all just like one big family. Louis has been there for me every day. I mean look at us now. We've been through just about everything and now we're planning our wedding. I couldn't believe it, what are the odds, a small town girl like me, marrying a celebrity. As it turns out, Louis' song, "They Don't Know About Us" was out on their latest album and everyone loved it, including Harry.


I was sitting on the couch with Louis looking at possible wedding venues, when I started looking at the walls.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"The walls here are so boring. This is the first time I actually noticed it," I said, smiling at him.

"Well, what do you want to do about it?"

"Give me bout half an hour to go to the store and get all of the stuff and then I'll tell you." Getting up, I grabbed my purse and began to walk to the store. I had the perfect plan to make the boys' walls more colorful, even if it was a little messy.


I walked in the door with my arms full of different art supplies. In one hand I had a bag full of canvasses, and in the other bag was paint, balloons, and darts. We were going to play paint darts. What you do is fill balloons with paint, attach them to a canvas, and then you throw darts at the balloons. Once they pop, the paint drips down creating art.

"Come on let's go!" I yelled pulling Louis' arm and dragging him outside.

"What are we doing with balloons and darts?" He asked me looking at the canvas I set up.

"We're painting," I said grabbing a dart. Taking it, I threw it at a balloon. With a pop, a hole was created causing paint to slowly drip down the board. "See, like that."

We both took turns popping the balloons until all of them were flat. Walking over to them, I began to unpin them from the board when I felt something hit my back. Turning around, I saw that the back of my shirt was covered in green paint. Louis had another paint filled balloon in his hand ready to fire.

I had filled extra balloons to make another painting, but I guess that wasn't going to happen. Running over to the bucket, I picked up a balloon and threw it at Louis, hitting him in the chest. After I threw one, he threw his second one at me. I made the mistake of turning to avoid the shot. The balloon hit my head, painting my hair red. This was not going to end well for Louis.

We chased each other around, firing paint filled balloons until they were all gone. In the end, we were both covered from head to toe in various colors of paint. It looked as if a rainbow was splashed on us.

Walking over to me, Louis wrapped his arms around me. I did the same, pulling him closer to me.

"We're crazy," he said.

"Yeah, but we're crazy together."

"And that's why I'm so happy I'm marrying you."

I laughed before Louis leaned down and kissed me. We were truly insane, but that didn't matter as long as we had each other.


Louis' POV

"Red!" I yelled.

"Blue!" Sammie yelled back at me.

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