The Beginning of the End

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Louis' POV

Seven Years Later

"Brooke, Vanessa, Tyler come here!" I yelled. Coming around the corner I saw my three little kids. Tyler is seven now, and he has two twin sisters who are five, Vanessa and Brooke. "Do you guys know what day it is?" I asked them.

"It's Uncle Harry's birthday!" Brooke yelled.

"You're right Brooke. Do you guys want to surprise Uncle Harry?"

"Yes!" Tyler yelled.

"Go into his room, and jump on his bed. That's just what he wanted for his birthday," I told them. Running off, I watched them open Harry's bedroom door, and go in yelling their heads off. There was no denying it, these definitely were my kids.

"What are you doing to my brother?" Sammie asked, walking out of our room.

"Just having a bit of fun," I told her.

"You're really taking advantage of being able to have them do anything aren't you?'

"Enjoying every second of it," I said smiling, as Sam rolled her eyes at me.

Just then, Harry walked out of his room. Vanessa was holding onto his leg as he walked, and he had Tyler and Brooklyn under each arm.

"Alright, who told them to do this?" Harry asked.

"Don't look at me," Sam said. "Look at their father."

Laughing I said, "I'm sorry, I had to."

"You're just lucky I actually like them."

"Do you guys want to go to the beach today?" Sam asked them.

"Yes!" They all cheered, including Harry.

"We have to eat breakfast first, and then we can go."

"We're going to the beach!" Harry chanted with them. We really were quite an odd family.

Sammie's POV

"They really love it out here," I said sitting on the sand. Harry and the rest of the boys were running around with my kids, while me and Louis were just sitting in the sand.

"I think we made the right choice," Louis said.

"What do you mean?"

"I think we have done right by our kids. I mean they have incredible parents, the rest of their family loves them, and I think the fact that we're all living together just makes it better for them. I think they're going to love being able to grow up here."

"I agree with you. It's pretty boring back home in Arkansas. I mean sure, the rest of my family is there, but I never really saw them much when I lived back there. You guys are my family now, and I'm really happy about that."

"Do you think what we did was right though? For how fast we moved our lives? You were twenty when you had Tyler. I just feel like all of this has gone by so fast."

"I'm fine with it. Would some people say that we're a little young to have done all of this? I think so. But I think that we did what we wanted to. By not listening or caring about what other people think, we're now married and we have three beautiful kids. I don't think age matters. If you're doing what you love with who you love, anything is possible."

"Well I'm glad you think that age doesn't matter, because I can do this!" Louis said.

Before I could say anything, I was thrown over Louis' shoulder, and he was running towards the water.

"Just like when we met!" He yelled, before throwing me into the water.

Then I swam over to him. "Age doesn't matter?" I asked him. "Well then I guess it's okay if I did this!"

Jumping up, I placed my hands on top of his head. And then with one hard push, I shoved him underwater.

Coming up to the surface, he said, "You're still as sneaky as before."

"I know," I said before kissing him.


As people we all live lives. People get older, people get married, have kids, and live out their lives until they die. We have to take everything we have in life for granted. One day, it could all be gone from us in the blink of an eye. I mean, I'm not one to tell you how to live your life, I'm just telling you what I know from experience.

My name is Samantha Conrad, I'm married to Louis Tomlinson from the British boy band One Direction. My older step-brother is Harry Styles. My best friends are his bandmates. I have three beautiful children Tyler, Brooklyn, and Vanessa. I'm Twenty-seven years old and I've had quite the life. I almost lost four years of my life, I got hurt several times by several boys.

What was supposed to be a three month vacation to visit my brother turned out to be living the rest of my life in London. A lot of people would consider my life a living nightmare, but I would call it anything but that. I would consider that summer vacation a blessing, for if that never happened, I wouldn't be telling you my story right now.

I learned to take life as it comes after you. There's a famous quote by a man named Shing Xiong. It goes like this, 'In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but the moments that took your breath away.'

If one thing's for certain, a man named Louis Tomlinson definitely took my breath away. What started as a harmless friendship turned into a love that could withstand anything and everything. We saved each other from the rest of the world. I just think of it this way, true love doesn't have a happy ending. Why is that? Because true love never ends.


The End

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