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Louis' POV

Friday Night

I was freaking out. I had to get Sammie over to my house tonight so that she'd be safe. I told all of the guys to come with too. I figured if her dad found out that only some of us were gone he'd interrogate the rest of them, and not very nicely. I wasn't very serious about anything, but if one thing was a serious matter, it was the safety of the ones I loved.

I walked around the whole house one more time. Everybody had to make sure that we didn't leave anything behind that would lead Sam's dad to where we were. I went into Sammie's room last. All of her things were still there, we left it because it would look too suspicious if it was all gone. Then I saw her desk. Her computer was still there. I grabbed it and walked out to the car. I gave Sam the computer before getting into the driver's seat.

"Louis, why haven't you told me where we're going?" Sammie asked.

"We're going to my house."

"Why didn't you tell me where we were going sooner?"

"I don't know. I've been a little preoccupied with making sure none of us get hurt okay? I just forgot."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, four sisters. Phoebe, Charlotte, Felicity, and Daisy. Charlotte makes fun of me whenever I have a girlfriend she teases me. I love all of them to death, but they're my little sisters. They can be quite the handful."

"That's fine. Considering I've been living with five teenage boys for a few months, I think I can handle four little girls."

"We're not that bad."

"Oh really? You act like you're five, Niall is an eating tornado, Harry can basically turn into the incredible Hulk, and Zayn looks in the mirror every five minutes. Liam is the most normal out of all of you. I love you guys but I think I'll be fine with four girls."

"Ha ha ha. You want to see me act like a five year old, I can. But because I love you I won't."

"Oh thank you for sparing me," Sam said sarcastically.

We drove for about twenty minutes before pulling into the driveway of my house. Compared to the place Harry bought it was a shack but to other houses in the neighborhood it was nice. As I was pulling in I saw the door fly open, and my four sisters ran out. I got out of the car first, and I picked up Daisy and hugged her. I set her down and then walked over to Lottie, Fizzy, and Phoebe hugging them as well.

"Well, where's your girlfriend?" Lottie said sarcastically.

I walked over to the car and opened the door. Sammie walked out and my sisters ran over and hugged her.

"Hi guys! I've heard a lot about you," she said. I couldn't believe how well she was handling this. As Sammie was talking to my sisters, I watched as someone stood in the doorway. I started walking over to them.

"Mom!" I said wrapping my arms around her. "I'm so sorry I didn't call or come see you guys. I really planned on coming out more often-"

I felt my mom start to cry. "You have nothing to apologize for baby. If not seeing us meant that you met the love of your life, I'm happy. My baby is becoming a man."

"I love you mom," I said kissing her on the cheek.


Sammie's POV

I was about to go back downstairs to go to bed. The rest of the guys were down there but as I walked towards the stairs, Louis stopped me.

"No, you're not going downstairs," he said.

"Excuse me?"

"You're staying up here with me. We're going to my room, and you're sleeping with me." His words were demanding, but his tone wasn't. He wasn't mad or forceful, just scared. I could just see in his eyes how scared he was. I didn't like seeing him like this. Hoping it would calm him down, I walked over to him. Grabbing my hand he walked me to a room in the back of the house.

Walking into his room, I was really surprised. For being a boy, it was really neat. Everything was all put away and organized. Letting go of my hand, Louis walked over to his bed. Following him, I laid down beside him. Pulling me close to him, I felt his arms wrap around me. With one hand around my waist, he used his other hand to slowly stroke my hair. It calmed me down, because inside I was scared too. After a while, Louis began to hum Little Things in my ear. Slowly, I felt my eyes flutter closed and I fell asleep in his arms.

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