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Louis' POV

We were back home which was better but my mood has been off lately. I got up one morning and walked to the kitchen, only to find that we were out of Coco Puffs. Walking over to Sammie, who was sitting on the couch I said, "Can you go get more cereal?"

"What's the magic word?" She asked, laughing.

"Please," I said, my voice monotone.

"Okay. Let me grab my jacket and then I'll walk to the store."

I watched Sammie leave and I waited impatiently for her to get back.


Sammie's POV

I walked out of the house and over to the store. It was a few blocks away, and I got bored walking over there. I started to count the doors. I counted by colors, and by the time I made it to the store I had counted twenty-three white, five green, two red, and one blue.

Walking into the grocery store, I walked around because I had other things to pick up too besides Coco Puffs. I was standing in front of the Dairy section trying to find out what ice cream I should buy when someone tapped me on the shoulder.Turning around, I came face to face with another girl. She looked to be about my age, with big brown eyes, and thick brunette curls. She was really pretty.

"Hi are you Samantha Conrad?" The girl asked me.

"Um yeah. People call me Sammie though." Who was she?

"I can't believe I'm finally meeting you! I've wanted to talk to you for so long but I've never had the chance to actually see you. You and Louis make such an adorable couple!" She squealed hugging me.

"I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you again?"

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I should have told you that in the first place! My name is Danielle Peazer, Liam's girlfriend."

"Oh hi! I'm sorry I don't know you, I probably should considering I've been staying with the boys for the past few months," I said chuckling slightly.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

"Anyways, I was talking to Mel yesterday and apparently her and Harry are back together!"

"Oh that's great! I felt so bad at first because I didn't remember her but then she said it was no big deal. We're friends again though."

"How is it? Not remembering anything?"

"Sometimes it's harder than others. All in all though, I'm fine because Louis helps me get through it."

"Aw that's so sweet!" Danielle said.

The two of us talked for ten minutes, until she had to leave. After saying goodbye, I finished walking around the store and I went to go pay. Grabbing my bag, I began my walk home past all of the colorful doors. When I walked into the front door Louis ran over to me. Snatching the bag out of my hand, he ran back over to the counter. Suddenly I remembered, while talking to Danielle, I forgot the cereal. I was about to leave to go back, but Louis started walking towards me.

"Where is it?" He asked. His voice sounded cold.

Slowly backing away, he followed me. "I met Danielle and we started to talk-"

Forcefully grabbing my wrist he said, "How could you have forgotten, I told you like ten minutes ago."

Still forcing me backwards, my back hit a wall. Letting go of my wrist which was now bruised, Louis said, "God Sam, can't you do anything right? You're so stupid!" He yelled. I watched as his fist flew up and hit the space of wall right next to my head.

I felt a tear of shock run down my cheek. With my mouth open, I quickly covered it with my hands. Then I saw my hands. My wrist was now bruised and had indents from where his nails had dug into my skin. I gasped at the sight.

Coming out from his room, Harry ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. His voice was full of worry and concern. I slowly shook my head and felt another tear roll down. Harry then must have seen my holding my wrist. Moving my hand away he said, "What happened?! Who did this to you?" I didn't want to, but I slowly raised a shaky finger to point at Louis.

"Sam I'm so sorry-" Louis pleaded.

"Sorry isn't going to fix this," Harry said. He wasn't mad, just shocked and scared. Wrapping his strong arms around me, he led me back to his room. What had just happened? Had Louis just hurt me? No, I must have just banged my wrist on the edge of a table or something. But then I saw the nail marks, and it snapped me back to reality. Clutching my wrist, I began to cry as Harry held me close and rocked me back and forth. This wasn't how it was supposed to be.


Louis' POV

What did I just do?! Did I seriously just punch a wall over cereal?! When I looked, sure enough there was a huge dent in the wall. Then I remembered Sam. The look of fear and terror on her face was unimaginable. I had hurt her, not just physically but mentally. Just days ago, I had told her that I would never let anyone or anything hurt her. I broke that promise. I know that I should be worried about Sammie which I was but then I thought about me. What does Sammie think of me now? Did I just ruin any chance I had with her?


Sammie's POV

I couldn't believe what had happened. I knew that I couldn't stay in Harry's room forever, I had to get back to my room. I didn't hear anybody outside in the living room so I made a run for it. I safely made it back to my room without being seen. I had to think this over. What did this mean for Louis and I? Was I supposed to forgive him like nothing happened? But I also couldn't stay mad at him forever. I could potentially lose him, and I couldn't handle that.


Louis' POV

I felt awful. Sammie hasn't spoken to me in days, let alone look at me. Everytime I try to say something to her, she just darts her head down at the ground and walks away quickly. I've been seeing her hanging around with Niall lately, and it really gets me mad. The way he hugs her, holds her, makes her smile. That should be me. Not him. I love Sam, I'm engaged to her! I knew I shouldn't do anything about it though because I'm the one that caused this mess. I'm the one that promised Sammie that I wouldn't let anything hurt her. Now I didn't actually hit her, but just seeing the pain in her eyes was enough to kill me. I couldn't go on like this.

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