"Really, y/n?!  You're with him?!  HIM OF ALL PEOPLE?!" Harry shouts angrily at you.  "You know how vile he is, right?!  Ho could you do this to me, y/n?!"

He rushes forward grabs you by the collar roughly, lifting you up to your toes.

"H-Harry!  S-Stop!  Please!  I can't breathe!" you gasp, struggling against his grasp.  Suddenly, Harry is jerked back by his robes.

"Let her go, Potter!  She hasn't done anything wrong!" Draco shouts in Harry's face.

"What do you mean, Malfoy?  She fucking left me!  Me!" Harry says aggressively, still holding you by your collar.  You whimper a bit and Draco realises you're in pain.  He rushed between you and Harry and tears Harry's hand off your collar, causing you to drop to the floor.

"Get over it, Potter.  I know rejection hurts, but you can't act like this!" Draco spits at Harry, looking him directly in the eye.  

"Don't tell me what to do, Malfoy!  This is your doing!" Harry yells.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Draco asks.

"You're the one who turned y/n against me!  We had a great relationship until you came along and started to send her gifts, flaunting your wealth in my face!  You can't just bribe y/n to have a relationship with you!  It.  Won't. Work!  Y/n loves me!  Not you!" Harry says through gritted teeth.

"No, Potter.  Not anymore.  Y/n is my girlfriend now.  You've never treated her right.  You're controlling, possessive, and never let her do anything for herself.  You never let her have any fun and we've already gotten together.  It's too late," Draco sighs.  "Understand that, Potter."

Harry shakes his head angrily.

"You think you're better than me Malfoy?" Harry says. "You think you of all people are best for y/n?"

"Yes.  You treated her like shit.  She deserves to be treated better.  Like I said, she deserves to be treated like the princess that she is," Draco says simply.  Harry's had enough and Draws his wand in Draco's face.  

"Try me, Malfoy!"

"Gladly!" Draco calls, Drawing his wand.  "Stupefy!"

Harry is sent careening backwards and hits the ground about ten feet away from you and Draco.  Draco backs up a bit, satisfied with his work.  Harry struggles to get up, under the effect of Draco's spell.  Once back on his feet, Harry whips out his wand and shouts:



"Draco!  Harry!  Stop!  We can settle this another way!  Stop the duel!" you say pleadingly, but the boys ignore you and continue.  Spells fly back and forth, Draco blocking or countering each spell Harry sends his way.  Harry and Draco send spells at each other simultaneously and they collide in mid-air, causing lightning bolt like fragments of spells to go off in odd angles, tearing the stone walls apart.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouts, sending a red bolt of light towards Draco.  Draco waves his wand and reflects it back towards Harry.  Harry jumps out of the way and it hits a torch hanging on the wall, breaking stone and dumping the torch metal on the floor with an echoing clang.

"Stop!" you say.  "You're damaging the school!"

They ignore you.

"Expeliarmus!" Harry casts again.  Draco distracted, loses his wand at it clatters on the ground far away.  Harry smiles devilishly and raises his wand.

"Incendio!" Harry shouts triumphantly.

"No!" you shout, rushing in front of Draco, shielding him from the mass of fire shooting at him.  You feel the fire engulf your skin and all you can feel is pain.  You scream out and crumple to the floor.  Your vision begins to tunnel and everything goes dark.

"Y/n!  No!  Y/n!" is the last thing you hear.


You open your eyes up to the ceiling, blinking groggily.  You sigh and feel a sharp pain and slowly try to prop yourself up.

"Y/n!  Oh, thank god!" you hear Draco gasp.  You look to the side and see your boyfriend.  His hair is messy and he has dark bags under his eyes.  He looks thinner, too and a bit sickly.  "You're awake.  Finally!"

"What happened?" you mumble as Draco helps you sit up. 

"You took a spell for me and got burned real bad.  You also hit the floor really hard and got knocked out.  You've been out for a week and a half...," he trails off.

"A WEEK AND A HALF?!" you exclaim, trying to hop up, but fail to do so because of of your bandages.

"Shhh...  It's okay y/n.  I made sure you were exempted from any school work," Draco reassures you.  Really?" you ask.  He nods.

"Thanks, Draco," you say.  You sigh and look over at him. "What happened to Harry?"

"Disciplinary stuff.  It's not clear.  I haven't been out much.  I've been here for a week and a half, after all," he explains.

"Wait!  You were here all this time?!" you gasp. "But you should be in your classes!"

"Well, yeah.  But I stayed because you're my girlfriend.  I can't just leave you alone when you're hurt...," he says, taking your hand.  "I love you and I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks for staying, Draco.  It means a lot.  Harry would have never done that for me.  That shows how much you care for me," you say, kissing him on the cheek.  He smiles and kisses you back.

"I should get you some food.  I'll be back, y/n," he says, standing up.  You nod.

"Thank you, Draco," you say with a smile.  "I would have stayed in the hospital wing if you'd gotten hurt, too."

He grins down at you and turns to go to the Great Hall.

"Hey, Draco?" you ask.  He turns around.  "Will you stay with this relationship?"

"Yes, y/n.  Of course," he replies, heading off to lunch.  You lay your head back down and smile.  

"He's so sweet...," you sigh happily.


A/N:  This chapter was 1575 words long!  Resuests open!  Thanks for reading!

- Soiea

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