chapter 12: a new start?

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I rubbed my belly and smiled in the mirror. 

I guess I haven't really noticed it before but I had been gaining weight lately. I mean it wasn't really noticeable like that.... I mean look at me, I hardly noticed until now. I really just thought it was the good food Derek always cooked. He also made his famous lasagna that was his grandma's recipe that he swore never to tell me so I swore to keep eating it until I could pinpoint every single ingredient.... yeah I was serious about that. 

no wonder, but it had always been....a baby?

 My baby.

 I stared at my belly and poked at it. she deserves a way better life than I had and I was determined to give that to her no matter what it took. 

I looked at my suitcase on my bed and realized I better get a move on. I rushed and sloppily threw the rest of my clothes in my suitcase. 

I quickly regretted that though because I had a hard time zipping it up. 

Aiden was gonna take me to the airport and let me go wherever I wanted. He didn't want to know where I was going just in case Chad tried to pry it out of him. and knowing chad...he would try. 
I smiled one more time in the mirror just thinking about the place I would end up at. I could go to Hawaii and let my baby grow up by the ocean, learning to surf every step of the way.
I could go to New York and become a  business woman and let my baby discover their creative side. or I could go....
" c'mon sis, ready to go?" Aiden came in and I swear I could cry. Aiden and I never was away from each other. Aiden was always there for me when I needed him and leaving him to go to a whole other state hurt but I had to do what was best for my baby. I knew Aiden understood just like he always did. 
"Yeah Aid, I'm ready".
He grabbed both of my suitcases and we headed out the door to the car. Once in, I started bawling...ugh! honestly It hurt to leave the place I grew up in. the place my family was. the place my mother was....she wouldn't even know im gone until im already out. I was seriously going to miss everybody. 

I tried to hurry up and wipe every tear that came down my face before aiden saw but unfortunately it didn't work.
Aiden looked at me "why are you crying? Are you ok?"
I smiled "yeah I'm ok....I just dont want to leave you or anybody else for that matter".
Aiden smiled " so I was gonna surprise you but I dont want you to stress...I put my two weeks in so soon as those two weeks are up, I'll head straight to you and live where you are. at least that way you'll have someone from the family with you. I want to help with the baby and help you get through this time."
I jumped with giddy "oh my gosh Aiden you're literally the best brother a girl could ever want. I honestly love you like no other.... but your life is here. are you sure? I don't want it to feel like you have to. you know I'll be ok. "
He pulled up to the airport, parked, and looked at me  "yes, I know you'll be ok wherever you go. definitely safer but I can't imagine sending my sister off somewhere without being there with her. or missing key moments in my niece...or nephew's life. I WANT to do this trust me. So I'll call you when these two weeks are up to find out where you ended up ok?".

Now I really felt like crying again. 

I hugged him like it was gonna be my last time hugging him "ok. I'll miss you till then".
2 hours later**

The plane was soo uncomfortable for a newly pregnant girl.....not that I actually felt uncomfortable I just guessed it was uncomfortable. My belly wasn't nearly big enough for any of that but I liked the idea...kinda. I'm guessing I'm not going to actually like it very much when it really is uncomfortable in say....4 months. 

I laughed to myself at the idea of my stomach being a little watermelon. 

I lifted my window shade and looked out the window.... where was I going? to be exact... I didn't quite no for sure. honestly I want to take plane after plane and whatever place appealed to me when I landed was gonna be it. I Was sure about one thing though....where ever I was headed was gonna be a good new start for me.. I Just knew it.

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