chapter 25: training

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*3 weeks later*

all the training in the past couple of weeks really had started to pay off.  Derek and Aiden had left me a bunch of messages saying chad had shown up at the house a couple times threatening them. 

Saying that everybody was going to be in danger if they didn't let him know where I was. how annoying ...but Derek also told me he has bought a gun and a pretty good security system so to not worry about them. 

"do what you have to do" was what one of his messages said to me and I was relieved honestly. it has been a struggle to stay away but I knew it was for their own good. I was terrified that they would get the police involved to find me but thankfully they hadn't because that would've only made matters worst.  Not to mention stop me from doing what I needed to. 

My belly was poking out a bit more and I got more motivated throughout. There was less and less I had to learn and honestly I'm pretty sure Mr. OZ didn't want to continue because of the stress on the baby. 

It was now time to put my plan into action.  

"thanks for having me" I shook mr.oz's hand.

he smiled "I hope you put what you learned for past couple of weeks to good use. you really are a strong woman with a good soul and by what you have told me...." he paused and scratched his head "that man deserves whatever is coming his way. you better bring it!" 

I chuckled and pretended to tackle him. "you know...I could probably take you now".

He moved out my way a bit and laughed "I will take you up on that as soon as that baby is delivered and your 'situation' is taken care of". 

I hugged him and it felt like we didn't let go for hours. honestly this man was one of the only people I had contact with for weeks. He became kind of like a father figure to me. I had told him everything from when I met chad to when he went to prison to when he got released. I told him why I had to do what I was doing and he didn't even question it for one second. He told me that something like this was self defense and if I didn't take care of it I would be living in fear my entire life. Running, looking over my shoulder, or even dead and that wasn't something I wanted to bring my unborn child into. 

I was glad he didn't think I was insane because lately that's exactly how I have been feeling. 

I left the building and got into my car. I sat there for what might have been an hour before I finally mustered up the strength to leave. 

my drive back to my hotel was brutal. so many thoughts running through my head. I knew I had to do what I had to do as soon as possible. 

I finally got to my hotel and to my room. I texted Derek to send me a chunk of money and promised this would be over soon. right before shut eye I took a shower, ate, and packed my gym bag. 

what I packed in the bag was pretty important. I packed a printed out email to chad (fake) where I let him know  that I was going to meet at his house tomorrow to discuss somethings. This was pretty easy. next, I had the hand wraps that oz had given me as a gift of completing our sessions and for me to use them for practice. I had to have granola bars and water in there in case I was at his house too long. I was prepared to do what I had to do. I was going to have to leave at the crack of dawn to do this so I also made sure I had a caffeinated drink with me. 

I set my alarm for 4am which was like 3 hours from now and then closed my eyes and went to sleep. 

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