Immortalize Me Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Jalis puts his hands up and Mortison is silenced.

"She will go through the evaluation process like any other criminal."

"Please, sir.  Can't we elongate the deliberation process, Sir?"

"No, Mortison.  We have been deliberating for a long time now.  It is time to finally act."


First Person (Your) POV:

"Y/n," Draco whispers in my ear.  I stir slightly and blink my eyes open slowly, letting the light shine into them.  I feel Draco's arm draped lovingly across my body and his lips pressing soft kisses on the side of my neck making me smile.  It's been over two years since Draco and I stole the stone together and it's been the time of my life.  During the two years, Draco and I got married and bought our very own place in London.  His parents wanted us both to move out until we made a family for them.  It's understandable.  Living in London and being independent is fun.  Draco and I go out and have dinner some nights after I go to work.  He takes care of me, I take care of him.  It's a wonderful thing, really.  We share a room and every night I get to hold him close, knowing that he won't ever go away.  Today is another lazy Sunday.  I'm not called in for work and he has no job so we have the chance to sleep in.

"Good Morning, Draco," I whisper to him, enjoying the quiet of our bedroom.  "What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter.  We have all the time in the world, y/n," Draco sighs, holding me closer than before.  I smile and roll over to face him, allowing Draco to peck my nose with another kiss.  I giggle.  These sorts of mornings are the type we love.  Nothing to do.  No responsibilities, just me and Draco relaxing.

"We really should get up, though," I say, attempting to prop myself up on my arm only to be pulled back down to the mattress by my wonderful husband.  

"Come on," he laughs.  "Stay..."

Suddenly, a large banging noise can be heard from the door of our flat.  It keeps getting louder and louder.  Draco grumbles in annoyance and stumbles his way out of bed.

"I'll get it, y/n," he says. "You stay here, love."

I nod as he disappears through the doorway.  What could it be?  I hear the door unlock and squeak as it opens. 

"Is a woman named y/n currently residing here?" I hear a man with a deep voice ask.  Insnap up from my laid back position.  No, no, no!  Not now!

"Jalis!" I gasp.  

"Yes, may I ask who you are and why you are looking for her?" Draco inquires.

"That is none of your business," I hear another person say.  It must be another Creator.

"Sir," Motora hisses.  "I'm getting a reading on him.  He's not a normal human..."

I hear the footsteps come closer and I pull the covers over my head.

"Hey!  What are you doing in my home?!" I listen to Draco shout.  I gotta face the music.  I stand up from the bed after uncovering myself.  there are hooded figures in my bedroom doorway.  There are five of them.

"Jalis," I say trying to keep calm, but secretly freaking out on the inside.  "What are you doing here?"

"We have come for you, y/n," Jalis replies.  Draco comes in and stands by me.  I take his hand tightly.

"Why?" Draco asks.  "What do you want with her?"

"Y/n has been convicted of high theft," Motora says.  "We have come to question her and decide her fate."

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