Bonus Chapter (#1)

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Third Person POV

Kasey and Cody were walking through the STC. Cody told Kasey, that he had a surprise planned. Currently, Kasey was begging Cody to tell him what it was. "Please? I promise I won't tell!" Kasey begging, doing the puppy dog face. Cody, however, was immune to that face. "Nope." Cody said flatly. "And, the surprise is only for YOU. So, you could you tell?" Kasey pouted. "Hmph. Fine. Be that way, then". "Okay. I will." Cody casually said. 

A few people they passed gave them longer-than-usual-looks. Probably because they were holding hands, in a world, where only a few people accepted homosexuality. But, as usual, Kasey and Cody ignored them. Soon, they met up with Sara and Jasmine, who were waiting for them at the exit. Sara and Jasmine both knew about the surprise. Kasey has already tried to get it out of them, without any success. Kasey sighed. It would be a VERY long walk, to this 'special place', where the surprise lay. 

A few minutes later (to Kasey, it seemed like HOURS.), they arrived. The 'special place' was a simple, but beautiful park. Almost no one was there.It seemed even more beautiful, with just his friends. Kasey smiled, and ran over to a pond, along with Sara. In the pond, were some ducklings, and fish. Sara cradled a duckling in her arms, while Kasey got an eyeful of fish swimming around, and flapping their tails. Kasey gasped a bit, when Cody splashed some water on him. Kasey seemed to get the message, and splashed water back at Cody. This turned out into a battle, with the girls playing with the ducklings, and fish. Suddenly, Cody stopped. He seemed to remember why they came here. 

He turned to Sara and Jasmine, and nodded. "It's time." He led Kasey away to a bench, where Kasey sat down. Then, Cody got down on one knee. Kasey was puzzled. What was going on? Cody took a deep breath, and began:


Jasmine nodded. "Go on!" she whispered. Cody took ANOTHER deep breath. (HOW MANY DEEP BREATHS DO YOU NEED, BRO) "Okay, Kasey. I'm not gonna make a big speech, or anything, so, I'm just gonna come out with it: W-will you marry me?"

At first, Kasey didn't register what Cody said. Then, it slowly started to seep in. Cody wanted to MARRY HIM!! Sara was shaking him by shoulders. Cody was looking very nervous. "YESSS!!!!!!" Kasey yelled. Cody' eyes widened. Sara clapped. Jasmine cheered. 

Finally, the two boys hugged, for what seemed like an eternity. Kasey couldn't stop gushing about their wedding, and what it would be like. Cody laughed. "We can worry about that later. Now, let's celebrate. Sara and Jasmine cheered, and ran ahead, to find a suitable place to eat.

Meanwhile, Kasey and Cody hung back, fantasizing about their wedding.

YAYY!!! THAT'S IT!! I have 2 more chapters coming, try to guess which ones in the comments, and see if you are right!

Dream. Live. Unicorns.

- Sara

Cosey One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora