Happy Hero

17 2 1

Sara POV

"This is breaking news. Five horses had escaped a ranch, and run into the wild, trampling everything in sight. If it hadn't been for 2 girls, innocent people would've gotten hurt. But these 2 new heroes saved the horses and people. More details later."

I was with my best friend, Jasmine. We were watching the news. Sure, most of the time, the news is boring. But this part was extremely exciting. For us, anyway. WE were the people on TV! WE saved horses and humans. WE were heroes. I couldn't believe it! I looked at Jasmine to see her smiling so big, her cheek would hurt later. "Want to go celebrate this?" I asked Jasmine. "YES!!" she screamed.

We went to a bakery. It was called Bake-a-licious! The cupcakes were delicious!! I took, like, a million!! But then we saw some people that made our blood run cold. It was Kasey and Cody!! After that last sleepover, they had forgotten about us. We tried to get together, but all they wanted was to be with each other. Eventually, we gave up on trying, and just hung out without them. But now, they were here paying for donuts, and smiling to each other. We tried to get out of there as fast as we could, but they saw us near the door. We made a mad dash for Things for a Dollar, the store next to Bake-a-licious. We were catching our breath when the door jingled. Luckily, it was just a trio of girls. We looked at each other, and said together: "That, was close." Suddenly a horrific thought occurred to me. "What if the boys saw the news, and want to congratulate us? Which, would mean talking to us!" Jasmine turned to me, the horror evident on her face. Suddenly the bell jingled. The noise was so startling, we jumped. We slowly turned around, praying it wasn't who we thought it was. No such luck. Kasey and Cody were heading toward us, smiles on their unknowing faces.

"Hey, Sara, Jasmine" Kasey greeted us. Cody just nodded. Jasmine and I just kept quiet, not knowing what to say. Kasey got this confused look on his face. "D-did we do something wrong?" I turned on him, fire in my eyes. "Are you dumb? Why else would we not be speaking? We've gone mute?" I sassed. Kasey got this hurt look in eyes, but I didn't care. I didn't stop. I was on a roll. "Oh, and by the way, nice going. Ignoring us, then coming up to us and pretending we still friends? Awesome." I grabbed Jasmine by the hand, and dragged her out of Things for a Dollar. "You didn't have to be so mean, y'know." Jasmine scolded me. "They deserved it!" I fumed. "He...probably doesn't know... maybe?" Jasmine said. "Really? That's the dumbest explanation ever!" I shot back. Jasmine sighed. I was still angry, thinking about what had gone on in the dollar store.

The next day, I wasn't angry. I was excited! Because today was the day we got to meet Taylor Swift, because of our rescue. But on my phone, there was a text, from Taylor, saying that she couldn't meet today. Her grandma was in the hospital. I texted back, saying it was fine. I told Jasmine, and her happy expression dropped. "Awww. I was really looking forward to meeting Taylor Swift." "So was I" My phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket, and read the text.

Kasey: I'm really sorry if we've been ignoring you. So is Cody. We didn't mean to hurt you guys. We both sincerely hope you forgive us, because you two are the best friends anyone could have. If you decide not to forgive, we guess that would we don't deserve your friendship. But, it would make us happy if you gave us another chance.

Me: Okay, but please don't ignore us again. It really hurt, ya meanies!!!! (JK)

Kasey: Wanna meet up at Bake-a-licious? Our treat.

Me: Okay.

All was now well, between us. Everything would be fine.

Or so I thought.

When we got to the bakery, Kasey was fidgeting and looking everywhere, except at this one girl. I took a closer look at this one girl, and realized with horror, that it was Jayanna! Jayanna saw me looking at me, and immediately noticed Kasey. She stalked over, with the similarities of a predator, following it's prey, in the case, Kasey. "Hey, Kasey." Jayanna said, pushing Cody off the seat, and sitting in it. She took Kasey's hand, and intertwined their fingers. Kasey seemed too scared to do anything, as he was frozen. "Do you wanna, ditch this place, and, go somewhere else?" she loudly whispered in Kasey's ear. I walked over to them and snatched Kasey's fingers away from hers. "No, he doesn't, so just go back to your place. No one wants you here! Take. A. Hint!" I sassed, again. (Wow, Sara! Sooo Sassy!) She looked at me with this surprised look, and ran out of the bakery. Jasmine smiled. "That's when I want you to sass," she said, helping Cody up, "Not when people make mistakes. I rolled my eyes. "I sass when I wanna!" I retorted. Kasey shook himself and looked up at me. "Thanks, for um... y'know." I smiled. "You're so shy." I said, patting him on his head. I looked over at Cody, who had on an angry expression. "It's okay, I rescued your man." I teased, making him laugh.

We ordered our food, and ate, and talked, catching up. When we finished, we went to the beach, one of our favourite places. We had brought swimsuits, knowing we would end up at the beach. We changed quickly and went into the cold water, on that hot, fall day. Someone bumped into me, and sashayed past, without saying sorry. I looked to tell her off, but my mouth dropped open instead. It was Angelina, basically Cody's Jayanna. And she was headed straight for Cody. Jasmine saw her and her mouth dropped openI. Kasey looked at her, making Cody turn around. "Hey Cody." She said, giving heart eyes to Cody, and a look of disgust to Kasey. I started to head towards them, but Jasmine held me back. "Let them take care of this for once." I watched as Cody pushed Angelina away, and walked away with Kasey. Angelina looked stunned, started walking in the opposite direction. "See, they can take care of themselves!" Jasmine said. I laughed, and Jasmine began laughing with me. Soon, we had to go home, because our parents were calling. We all said our goodbye, and headed off in different directions.

When I got home, there was a big surprise for me. A bunch of random people were IN my house, congratulating me. I even got presents!!! I figured it was because of our horse rescue. Someone brought cake!! If Jasmine was there, she would have taken the WHOLE cake for herself. I didn't take THAT much, just 2 slices. I wasn't that hungry, after our little bakery trip. Some person requested a selfie, and I accepted. It felt nice to have all these people appreciating me. But, it also felt... weird. Like, I don't know. It just felt weird, getting all the attention, when I was ignored for so long. (Cough Cough *Kasey, Cody* Cough Cough)

After everyone left, I sat down and thought. We were heroes, but most heroes don't get a bunch of random people just showing up at their house, do they? Then again, I recognized some people from the day Jasmine and I rescued those horses and the people. Then, I got it. The people we saved, probably wanted to surprise us in gratitude. Maybe they went to Jasmine's house... I was interrupted by my phone's ringtone.

It was Kasey. "Hi!" I said, cheerfully. "I'm so not happy." He said unhappily. I sat down on the couch, getting comfortable, knowing it was going to be a long talk. "Spill it" I ordered.

After an hour, I had understood why Kasey was angry, and upset. Apparently, Cody had left a note on Kasey's locker, saying that Cody hated Kasey, and that he was too good for him, so they were DONE. When Kasey showed me the note, I immediately knew it wasn't from Cody, but from someone else. I didn't tell Kasey. I didn't want to get his hopes up, only to have them dashed later, if it actually was from Cody. I told him I'd talk to Cody. "Thanks." Kasey sniffed. "No problem. Bye" I hung up and sighed. I went outside, going to my comfort spot. I climbed on the fence, and hauled myself onto the roof of my shed. Once up there, I crossed my knees and watched two squirrels play together. Suddenly, I had an idea, and texted Jasmine about it.

( I'm not going to tell you the idea. He He.)

The next day, Jasmine and I came early to school. No one was there yet. When I talked to Jasmine, she said the same thing happened to Cody The same thing had happened to Cody: 'Kasey' put a note on Cody's locker, saying the same thing as Kasey's note. Jasmine was hiding in a spot, where she could see Cody's locker. I was doing the same thing, except, I was hiding near Kasey's locker. Sure enough, some one came up to Kasey's locker. And it was all on video. Once the person was gone, I headed towards Kasey's locker, and opened the note, video still on. I ended the video, and ran over to Cody's locker, which was really far away. When I finally got there, Jasmine looked at me, smiled, and squealed, "I got the person on video!" Who is it?" I asked, curious. "Angelina!" I wasn't surprised. "Who was left the note on Kasey's locker?" Jasmine asked. I looked on my video, trying to identify the hooded figure in the video. "Jayanna."

Later that day, Jasmine and I had a plan: run up to the boys, show them the video, and done! They're back together! That's what we tried to do, anyway. But, Kasey and Cody didn't want anything to do with the note. We eventually grabbed them by the hands, and dragged them to the janitors closet. Once there, we forced them to watch the video. Once they finished and we had our phones back, they were silent. Jasmine and I knew they were gonna have a 'moment', so we snuck out, stifling our laughter.

After that, the boys thanked us, and we hung out at Bake-a-licious.

And we got unicorn cupcakes, because who doesn't like unicorns?

And... CUT! That is the end of the second chapter in the Cosey series!! SQUEEE!! Thanks for reading!! Hope you liked!

Unicorn peace!


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