Sorry, I forgot (Part 2)

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I felt so depressed all week. I had made Kasey cry. I would never be able to get that thought, out of my mind. I sighed, as the doorbell rang. I didn't feel like getting up after what had happened, but I managed to drag myself over to the door, where a girl was waiting She was wearing a denim jacket, with a white shirt underneath, along with some light blue jeans, and white Skechers. I waited, tapping my foot impatiently. "Okay, I'm Kasey's friend, and I know what you did to him a week ago. But, a girl is going to come here, and sass you, I guess. Just... just get ready, alright?" She turned to leave, but I grabbed her wrist. She looked familiar. She turned towards me, probably surprised at my sudden... well, you know. If I could remember Kasey, couldn't I remember her? "J-Jasmine?" I guessed. She gaped at me. "C-Cody!" She seemed happy to see me, after all these years. "Yeah..." I replied, a bit awkwardly. She smiled at me, and for the first time in a week, I smiled. She just had that effect on me. But suddenly, her smile faded. I know she wanted to know why I had done what I did. "Why, Cody? Why?" She asked softly. I could've sworn there was a tear rolling down her cheek. I ushered her inside, preparing to come clean.

After I told her everything, from moving to Florida, to forgetting about everything, to meeting Camille, and seeing Kasey for the first time in months. She nodded from time to time, to show me she was paying attention. When I was done, I wiped out my mouth, and managed to say, "My throat is so, so, so, dry right now. Okay. I'll get you a glass of water and- Oh! I love this song!" She squealed. The radio had been on this whole time. I just noticed. the song playing right now was 'Just Hold On', by Louis Tomlinson. (SQUEEEE!! FAVE SINGER!!) She got up, and ran to the kitchen, and came back with my water. "Thanks." I said, grasping the glass. She nodded slightly. "I better get going. I've gotta go tell Sara NOT to beat you up verbally." She sighed. I gave her a small smile. "Yea, that would be nice." 

She left, leaving behind a happy presence. I was glad not to be so lonely, for a while, anyway. But somehow, after she left, I felt lonelier than before.

The next day, i wasn't that upset. When someone knocked, I practically to see who it was. It was Sara, wearing an aqua shirt that said 'A sass a day keeps the basics away.', in pink lettering, and white pants that said 'Team Unicorn' in black lettering. She smiled, and said, "Hi, Cody! It's been a long time, hasn't it? So, do you like it here in Canada? Again?" I chuckled, and replied., "Yeah." to answer all three questions. "Anyway, I'm here to deliver a special message from Kasey, to you." She said. I blushed, and said something really smart like, "Um, I... Gah." She giggled. "The message is to came to Kasey's house at 3:00 p.m., sharp! Okay?" I nodded, fearful of saying something even worse that what I had said before.

2:59 p.m. I was standing outside Kasey's house, waiting for the last minute to pass. When it did, the door whipped open, and almost smacked me. "Sorry!" Kasey quickly apologized. He motioned for me to come in, and I did. I took the time to take everything in. Kasey's house was very bright, with light blue walls, and white furniture splattered with dark blue, and curtains letting in the sunshine. Kasey noticed me looking, and blushed, as red as a tomato. I laughed, and Kasey blushed even more. "I-I didn't think you would... you would come.." I shook my head and whispered, "Nonsense. Of course I would." Then he did something that shocked me then, and for years after. He grabbed my face, and kissed me. Just as quick as he had grabbed me, he pushed me away. I grabbed his hand, before he could make a run for it, and studied his face. He squirmed under my heavy gaze. "S-Sorry. I-I-I-I didn't m-mean...mean that! I-I mean...I didn't mean do t-t-that? I-I think..." he stuttered. I smiled, and he calmed down. "It's okay. I'm happy." He stared at me for a good five minutes, and it was starting to creep me out. Not that I didn't like him staring at me... Ugh. " I could do it a-again? I-I mean, i-if you don't m-mind...that i-i-is..." He whispered, blushing. I smiled, and attacked his lips with mine.

                                                                             9 months later...

 I had been so happy these past 9 months. Kasey and I were a thing again, and it was the best time of my life. My parents even went along with it. We talked about how I couldn't change my self, just for them, and now they support them. But the best thing is, Kasey and I are planning to stay together...forever.

Heyyy!!! Today is my B-Day!! (Nov. 7) I finished this! Sorry for the long time... Don't be mad!!

Byeeee now!! ENJOYYY!!!

Cosey One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें