Best Frenemies!

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Jasmine POV

Wow. It's been a long year. 2, of my 3 best friends, best friends fell in love, and now, something happened.i

What happened?

Well...I don't know. They looked SO cute together, then one day, BOOM! They hate each other. I tried asking Cody what happened, multiple times, but he just stormed off, leaving me alone to wonder what I did wrong.

I'm amazed at how quiet Kasey's gotten. He used to be so loud, so funny, but these days, he doesn't even crack a smile.

I was listening to F.U, by Little Mix (I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!), when I saw something. Sara was with me, so I tugged her down. She peeked out, and turned back to me, her eyes wide. We saw Kasey and Cody getting beat up.

"Stupid gays! Worthless!" One guy spat.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH" Another laughed.

"If we ever catch you holding hands again, oh MAN, you'll GET it. Ya' hear?" The leader asked.

Kasey quickly nodded, but Cody took his time. Stupid. I knew his pride would get him killed. The leader grabbed his shirt, and pulled him close, so Cody could probably smell his rancid breath. "If you ever sass me, boy..." With that, he pushed Cody to the ground. Sara almost got up and ran after those boys, and I felt sorry for them, so I held her down. Sara can be terrifying, when she's mad. Trust me, I've seen it.

After that stupid gang left, we peeked out, and saw Kasey crying, and Cody cuddling him. We got up, then Cody advanced on us, with a look that could kill.

"Did you see it?'

We nodded. "It was-" I started to say.

"You didn't do anything?!" Cody shouted. We were taken aback. "Cody, listen, I'm sorry, We...we panicked." I sighed. Cody glared at us. "WE WERE THE ONES GETTING BEAT UP, AND YOU PANICKED?! KASEY GOT PUNCHED IN THE STOMACH, AND YOU PANICKED?!" Sara grabbed my arm. "We get it. You want us to leave." She whispered. Cody's face softened. "No, I-" I shook my head. "Save it for later, Cody. We're done"

And we walked off, leaving Cody, and Kasey in complete, and utter shock.

The next day was even worse. We were bombarded with questions, and encouragement, about beating gays.

"Yeah! Beat those gays!"

"How did you do it?"

"Wow!!! Everyone should be like you guys!"

We tried to walk away, but everywhere we went, there were people following us, asking questions, and giving encouragement. We sprinted inside my house, and locked the doors. Sara sighed. "I...I'm so tired..." She panted. I nodded weakly. The school was a bit far away from my house, so running here wasn't a great idea. We both got up, and ate some cookies. The chocolate chips were pink, a running joke from my mom. Sara stared longingly at the window. She loved being outside, and hated to be stuck inside, because of a problem, like this.

Our phones dinged at the same time.

Cody: Um...I'm sorry. I got mad, and I took it out on you. But I really want to be friends again. Please?

Me: I...I think we need a break Cody.

Cody: Wait, what?

Me: Bye Cody.

I looked at Sara. She showed me her phone, and I showed her mine.

Kasey: Hi Sara. I know you are mad, but can you forgive us? Please?

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