First Glance

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Kacey POV

It was my first day at Charles Gordon Middle School. (Real school, BTW. I go to it.) I was insanely nervous. I didn't know anyone, except for this one girl. She is my best friend. Her name is Sara, and she is small, but for what she lacks in height, she makes up in personality. She has brown eyes the colour of chocolate, and thick black hair. Thank goodness she goes to Charles Gordon with me. Otherwise, I'd be a wreck.

First period class hadn't started yet, so most of the kids were hanging around the hallway. Suddenly, the mob of kids parted like the Red Sea. In the middle, was a dark skinned boy, with black hair. I instantly knew that he was the popular kid. Standing by his side was a girl, with black hairs, the tips dyed pink. She had light skin, unlike the boy beside her. "Who are those guys?" I whispered to Sara. "That is my best friend, Jasmine" She replied, pointing to the girl. She moved her hand, so now it was pointed at the boy, "and that's her best friend, Cody. He's what you would call popular." I could see how. If I were a girl, I would definitely have a crush on him.

Suddenly, someone pointed at me and laughed. "Skinny peeled stick." The hallway erupted into laughs. I could feel my face getting redder by the second. I had light skin, and I was on the skinny side. But knowing was true, made me feel worse. Sara started to sass the person who said that, but I didn't hear what she was saying. I was too busy staring at the popular boy. Cody. What a beautiful name. No wonder he was popular. He had a great name, and was good-looking. I wish I was like that. I knew it was useless, but it can't hurt to dream, right? I just wish he would notice me. He kept looking over me, like he didn't want me to be there. It hurt, a lot. I don't know why, it just hurt.

Then, the bell rang. I pushed past everyone, struggling to get to my class. When class began, I tried to pay attention, I really did. But my thoughts kept drifting back to a certain dark skinned boy. Cody. And at that moment, I knew I liked him. More than just a friend. And I hoped he liked me the same way. Every time he brushed past me, or I caught his eye, I would blush, until my face was a tomato. It got so bad, until all I had I to do, was look at him, and I would feel my face heating up. Even if he didn't look at me.

One day, Sara cornered me. She had this determined look in her eye. I knew that she would succeed in getting whatever she wanted out of me. "Admit it" she said. "Admit what?" I asked, clueless. "That you like Cody." she retorted. There was no use in fighting. I would tell her eventually. Besides, I knew Sara would keep my secret. She'd never told one before. "Fine. I do. Happy?" I gave her a defeated look. She smiled and said, "You two would make a cute couple." My face was turning red quickly. "We would?" I asked shyly. "Of course! Shy and Popular couple are so cute!" she squealed. Shy and Popular? I knew who the popular was, obviously. But was I really shy? Sure, I hid away from other people, and sat in the back of class, and barely answered, but did that really make me shy? "Anyway," Sara went on,"People are okay with gay things now. Most people, anyway." I got nervous. "What about the not okay people? Will they beat me up? Tease me? Kick me out?" I blabbed. Sara giggled and hugged me."If anyone tries to do anything like that, you know I'd beat them up." I felt better, knowing Sara was looking out for me. "W-what if Cody's not.. not..." "Not gay?" Sara continued for me, "Then he doesn't deserve you." She got that last part wrong. If Cody wasn't gay, that would mean I, don't deserve him. "Besides, there's tons of gay people in the world. You'll find someone eventually." Sara always made me feel better. "Thanks Sara. You always know what I need" "Because I'm a magic unicorn, who can read people's minds." she replied. I rolled my eyes. She was the best, best friend anyone could have.

The next day, someone pulled me into the janitors closet, and put something over my mouth. The light clicked on, and there stood the skinniest person ever, even skinnier than me. (Is that even POSSIBLE??) "Hi, my name's Jayanna. I just want you to know that I deserve you, no one else does, okay?" The gag had slipped down, so I was able to talk. "No! Lots of people deserve him! Let him go, or else the principle and your parents will get involved!" The voice wasn't mine. But, the voice was sweet to me. "C-Cody?" I managed to choke out. "In the flesh" Jayanna had run off, so Cody untied the gag from my throat. "Um... T-thanks, for... uh... what happened." Cody shrugged it off. "No big deal." His presence made my face go warm. "Anyway, I was kind of wondering, if you wanted to be friends? With me, I mean." This was the moment I was waiting. for! My perfect, sweet, beloved Cody, wanted to be friends with me. "Yes!! I mean, uh, sure." I blushed even harder, but it only made him laugh. "I have a feeling we're going to be good friends, Kase" Maybe something more... I thought hopefully.

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