Finn wolfhard ~ photo shoot

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"Perfect!" My make up artist says as she finishes, I look at myself in the mirror smiling, I don't look half bad, with my Y/H/C tied up in a perfect bun and my stunning long purple dress
"Thanks Becky," I say as I walk out onto set, this is my first big modeling part and I'm extremely nervous.
"Hi, I'm Amy, your photographer for today, this is Finn, he's goi to be your partner," I look up and smile at a boy, he has black curly hair, I resist the urge to lean out and touch it, it looks soft.
"Hi," he says smiling, I feel blessed to be able to stand infringed of such a beautiful sight. (how all the girls feel about Finn, am I right ladies?)
"Hi, I'm Y/N," I say shaking his hand.
We walk onto set. I straighten out my dress and we do a couple posses, as we near the end I start to get more and more nervous I know for one of the posses we had to kiss.
"Take each other's hands and look at each other," we do as we told and I can't help but smile when I look at him, out of nowhere he starts to leaning without any instruction I feel something take over my body and I start to lean in too, he moves his hands to my waist and I put  mine over his shoulder, our lips meet and I feel like I'm about to explode with happiness, we pull apart and rest out foreheads together,
"That was crazy," I mumble.
I hear people laughing and turn to see Amy staring at us.
"I hadn't even given the cue yet!" She says laughing.
We smile and walk off set to look at the photos,
"I like this one," I say pointing to the one where, out foreheads out touching,
"I like this one," he says pointing to the one where we where kissing.

Sorry, I tried to make it slightly different from the Wyatt one, but it's not as cute now.
Reguested by @kaitlynrod10
Btw, if I make like a diary/updates/rants book, would anyone read? Just wondering lol

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