Wyatt Oleff ~ photo shoot

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I walk onto the set of a photo shoot I'm doing for vogue. (Only magazine I've hear of)
"Wow," I mumble as I walk around looking set up, there at least 20 people setting up cameras and a whole bunch of sets, I walk into another room and see a whole bunch of outfits for guys.
"Not mine," I say as I quickly walk out and walk into the room next to it, witch is filled with a bunch of pretty dresses and skirts,
"Ah! You must be our Model, Y/N!" A lady says taking my hand and leading me to a changing room.
"Put this on first and then May over here will do your make up while Danny does your hair," the lady says handing me a gorgeous, long white dress.
I thank her and change quickly, when I get out I sit down in the chair and make polite conversation with the make up and hair artist while they do there thing.
After about 20 mins I walk out on set.
"Hi, I'm Coral, I'm gonna be your photographer today," a lovely lady says,
"This is Wyatt, who you are going to be modeling with today," Coral says as she points to a tall boy with tight curly hair,next to her.
"Hi," he says shyly.
"Hi, I'm Y/N," I says shaking his hand, he's wearing a tight fitted black suit
Coral leads us over to our first set.
"Okay, just pretend to be talking and laughing with each other,"
We do just that and then Coral shouts out a couple other poses for us to do.
Snap snap snap
After about ten minutes we walk off set to get changed into another outfit.
I wear a long pink skirt and a short white crop top.
I sit down in my make up chair.
"So Wyatt's cute," May teases as she takes off my make up, I feel a blush creep on to my cheeks.
" I guess," I say smiling.
"I'm definitely going to watch you guys kiss," Danny thinks out loud.
"What?!" I exclaim shocked.
"Didn't you read the contract?" May asks, "it said you guys will have to kiss for one of the photos."
"My mum read and sighed it," I says slumping down in my chair.
"Well she obviously forgot to tell you about that," Danny says as she finishes up with my hair.
I walk outside and see Wyatt with his hair gelled back, he has a lose plain white shirt on with baggy jeans.
" Nice," I says walking up to him.
"You look pretty," he says smiling, "pretty good," he says correcting himself.
I giggle as we walk onto the next set.
"Okay, Wyatt place your hands on Y/N's waist and Y/N place your hands on his shoulders. We do as we told both knowing what's going to come next, we hear a few snaps of the camera.
"Okay, now kiss!" Coral says.
We both start to Lean in the camera snapping like crazy.
Snap snap snap
Out lips meet for a brief second, I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach as we pull apart, we both blush and smile like idiots when suddenly there is a whole bunch of applauding we turn and see almost all the crew looking at us making us blush more as we absentmindedly link hands.


I can't decide of this is cute or if it sucks but here's a Wyatt one for
Hope you like it, luv you all ❤️❤️
And If you want more Wyatt I just published a book on him called:
Wyatt oleff ~ Heathens

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