Caleb Mclaughlin ~ My Fault

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I wake up freezing in the middle of the night, I hear the thunder, the rain hitting my roof, I start to shake.

"He said he would come, he said he would" I mumble as I feel tears start to run down my cheeks.

I cuddle down under the blankets, but it still feels cold with out him next to me, he promised me he would come ever time it rained, he always used to, but now he can't and he can't ever again. , but it's my fault, it's all my fault.

It's my fault: That we were hiking up that mountain because you see he didn't want to, but I made him. 

It's my fault:  that he was wearing those stupid, stupid new shoes that had no grip, but he wore them, just because I bought them for him. 

It's my fault: That he was standing too close to the edge because I was spraying him with my water bottle

it's my fault: that I didn't tell him that to stop walking backwards fast enough.

It's my fault:  that I didn't run forward fast enough to grab his hand, that out finger tips just brushed and I watched in horror as he plummeted backwards, the look on his face, I will trade anything, anything, to take away the fear that he went through those last few moments of his life.

It's my fault:  His dead.

It's my fault:  That his broken his promise, something you can never break

Hey, guys.

Heres a sad story, because I feel like it

Love you all, I really, really mean it. 💓💓

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