Finn Wolfhard ~ The project

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Hey Guys!

This one is for all the Finn fans, as I know there are a hell of a lot out there, enjoy!

Friday, you think to yourself finally Friday, you have no plans for the weekend so you are going to have a chilled weekend watching series, you smile at the thought.

"Okay class pick your partners for the project,"  your teachers voice brings you out off your daydream, you sigh as everyone around you picks a partner and teams up, your the only one without a partner, "it's okay Y/N, our exchange student will be here shortly and he can be you, partner," your teacher says to you. You nod your head and suppress a moan, he probably won't even speak English, this is going to suck!

Just then there is a knock at the door, your heart stops when you see who it is, Finn Freaken Wolfhard steps into the classroom and you hear gasps and whispers (not wipers) all around you.

"Okay, class, this is our exchange student from Canada his name is Finn Wolfhard, you might have heard of him before, as he is a well-known actor, okay so you don't have a partner right Y/N?" You nod your head, not actually believing you are going to be partnered with Finn Wolfhard.

"Um, miss," you hear a snotty voice behind you, and turn around to see you mortal enemy, Chelsea looking at Finn Wolfhard with a smirk. "I don't have a partner either." "I though we were- "started the girl next to her, but was silenced by an elbow in the side, from Chelsea.

"Okay well, Finn who do you want to be partners with, Chelsea," she said pointing at Chelsea. Finn looked at her and you felt your heart sink, obviously he was going to choose her, I mean she was super pretty! "Or Y/N" the teacher said pointing to you, Finn Looks at you with those brown eyes and you can't help but blush, he smile's.

"Y/N."He says not taking his eyes off you, "Definitely Y/N," he adds without thinking. The class giggles which made him blush slightly, you can't help but notice that.

"Okay Finn go sit next to Y/N," just as Finn sits down and before you could even say a thing to each other, the bell rings for lunch, you get up and walk down the hallways, you sit at your normal table in the corner and pull out your Lunch, you watch as the lunch room fills and you notice Finn walking over to you.

"Can I sit here?" Finn ask, you nod smiling, "so what do you want to do for the project?" He asks. "While since the project is on our role model I could just bring you," you say taking a bite of your sandwich.

Finn laughs "okay, but seriously what do you.. " he is interrupted by Chelsea running over. "Hey Finnie, why don't you come sit with me?" she sneers.

"Actually, I am very happy here with Y/N." He says giving her a smile.

"Whatever your loss," she says walking away. Finn pretends to gag which, makes me giggle "What is her problem?" Finn asks you. "I think she was dropped on her head a birth." You roll your eyes.

"Anyway, can I have your number?" He asks, "you know, so we can discuss the project," he adds quickly.

"Sure,"You say, he opens his phone and you give him your number

"Awesome, thanks,"he smiles at you.

Later that day when you get home, You flop down on your bed and start your homework, you then pull out your phone to use the calculator ( Savage ) but see a text message from Finn

Finn: Hey do you want to meet up for ice-cream?

Finn: to you know.. work on your project?

You smile and reply with.

You: sure, meet me at Milky way, in half and hour.. you know where that is right?

Finn: Yeah, I am staying around there, see you soon! :)

You smile at your phone. Turns out you aren't going to be having a series weekend after all, but I think hanging out with the actor from your favourite series is a hell of a lot better, don't you?

Hey, guys!

Sorry, this isn't very good. it was really rushed as I have school work to do, but I decided to write this first because I have my priorities all worked out.👍

Anyways hope you enjoyed this story!

Love you all! 💓

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