He Saved Me.

663 34 28

My eyes shot open as I woke up out of breath. I look around to see where I was, I was in my room. I reach over to check my phone to see what time it is and it read 12:56 pm.

Getting up I felt a sharp pain all over my body. I look over at the bed and saw that there was blood everywhere.

Great, just great! Ugh, I can be so ill-mannered when I'm on it. Thank you, my lovely uterus! Thank you so much for trying to kill your self and giving me period pains.

Heading to the bathroom to take some pain medication and to put on some pads, I saw that I was out of some pain reliever.

Guess I have to go to the store now. This isn't going to a pleasant experience for me and for anyone that talks to me.

As I was getting ready to leave, I noticed on the news that there was a guy going around hurting people. Hopefully, I don't have to deal with him and he doesn't have to deal with me.

Maybe my period can actually help me for once in that type of situation?

Giggling at my joke, I left my apartment and headed to the closest convent store, which was by the park that was near the school. Maybe a block away from the school? But close enough to still see the park.

I went in and came out. I wasted no time in there grabbing my stuff, though I did pick up a few snacks like some chocolate bars and some small bags of chips, giving me two shopping bags.

I do feel a little bad for that cashier had to deal with me. He only asked a simple question and I chewed him up for it.

Next time I go in there I should apologize to him and buy him so lunch...yeah, I'll do that.

While I was walking back to my apartment, I decided to take a shortcut down an alleyway. It was a short one and I could see the end of it, so I felt safe going through it, but, with my luck, it wasn't that easy.

As I was entered the alleyway, I noticed two guys smoking and chit chatting near the middle of the alleyway. I kept my head straight and didn't make eye contact with them as I walked past them.

"Hey, girly!" One of the guys shouted. I stopped in my tracks and turned around, giving them my bitch face, as some would call it when I'm on my period. I was so not in the mood for this.

One of the guys put his hands up and the other one did the same thing before put his cigarette out.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, what's that look for? We only wanna talk with you." Said the guy that put his cigarette out. He had a buzz cut hairstyle and wore some ripped jeans and some ugly boots. Though his shirt didn't look any better, it was that really ugly colour of green that looked like vomit. The other guy looked the same but was wearing a dark blue shirt and had a bit more hair than the other guy.

I guess his shirt matches his face because I want to throw up just by looking at it.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to talk right now so see ya later," I said turning around away and started my way towards home. I guess he didn't like that because he grabbed me, turned me around and slammed me against the brick wall. This action made me drop my shopping bags.

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We only wanted to talk with you, but you didn't. I guess we'll just go ahead and do it ourselves." Him and his friend, that stood behind him, smirked.

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