My girlfriend

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Just as I open the door, in front of me I saw another fellow student proclaiming their love to Law. The student had their back towards me and Law was just staring at their face with a boring expression.

Gosh, at least have a little emotion when someone is trying to tell you that they love you.

As the student continued to tell him how they had felt, Law saw me and smirked.

I don't like where this is going.

"Sorry, I can't date you," Law says, looking back at the student. "What? Why?!" She cries, "I've loved you for the longest time and I'm the founder of your fan club, how come you don't like me?!"

Not liking where this is going I tried to leave, but it seems like Law has another idea. He quickly walks past the student and grabs my hand, the hand that was about to open the door.

"I can't date you because I'm already dating her." He said as he turns me around and holds me in his arms.


"W-what?" The female student said with such shock in her voice that it almost came out as a whisper.

Law lowers his head close to my face and looks back at the female. "Do you have a problem with that?"

I stood there shocked. My body in his arms and his face close to mine, even though he was looking at her it was still so close to mine. I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"O-of course I have a problem with it! How could you date someone like her? She has no class values and she's disgusting looking, and-" she suddenly stops.

What seems like an eternity, which was actually about a minute, I finally gain my composure and looked at Law. And boy was he pissed. One look at his face could make the devil himself whimper.

Law straightens himself and looked at her, with his arms holding me closer and tighter than before.

"Now, now, I want you to continue what you were saying. I would just absolutely love to hear what you were saying about my girlfriend."

She flinched when he said the word "my." She looks like she's about to pee herself.

"No more words? Seriously?"

She stood there completely frozen like I was a minute ago and tried speaking but nothing came from her lips.

"Now scram." And with that, she ran passed us and left. The look on her face made it seem like she was running for her life.

Once she left, I didn't dare to move. Even I was scared now and I wasn't the one even being talked to.

Law snapped me out of my phased by cuddling me from behind. "You smell amazing, (Y/N)-ya."

His head in my neck and his arms holding me from behind, this could be easily mistaken for something else if a teacher were to come in here.

"L-law? Co-could you please let go of me?" I said while stuttering a bit, this is the closest thing I've ever done with someone and we're not even dating!

"Why (Y/N)-ya? Do you not like it when I hold you in my arms?" He whispered in my ear, I swear I'm not going to be able to function properly after this. "...because I really, and I mean really, didn't like it when she called you that stuff. I'll make sure to deal with her later..."

His hands, if it were possible, moved to hold me closer, almost in a loving way?

Does he like me or something? No...that's impossible, we've never really interacted with each other before.

"(Y/n)-ya, I've been watching you for a while now and you've caught my interest."

Well, that explains it aND EXCUSE ME? SINCE WHEN?

I tried to get out of his hold, but it seems like he was too strong for me and it seems like it was a bad idea to do.

"Oh? Are you trying to get out of my cuddles?" He smirked, "If you must know, I love cuddling you...and you smell amazing..." he said while inhaling.

Law lets go of me, only for a second, so he could turn me around and hold me facing him. My hands rested on his upper arm, making it seem like we were indeed a couple and we're about to kiss.


I look up into his eyes, and let me say this- they were filled with such a loving expression that it seemed to me that he has loved me for years...? I stared into his eyes, not being able to look away for some reason. We stayed like that for a bit, just staring into each other's eyes and just taking this moment in.

Why do I feel like this is normal? Being hold and being looked at with such eyes? ...I don't know how I should feel about this...

Then it happened.

Law closed his eyes and his face coming closer to mine. I just stood there, not know what I should do. Should I break free and run away? Or should I see what should stay and see what happens? I don't know if I even like this or not...

Before we could do anything else, the door to the library next to us opens up.

"Hey, (Y/n)! I thought we could spend some time together-"

Are you sure It's him? One Piece x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now