Meeting Ace changes everything

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Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Okay, okay! I get it!

I slapped my arm on my alarm clock to stop it from making that ungodly sound.

Right... Another day of school, what could be better?

I got up from my bed and started to make my way to the restroom to do my morning things. Once that was over with, I went to make something for breakfast in the kitchen.

Once I was done eating I went back to my room to put on my school's uniform.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Why the hell is it going back off again?

I'd looked over to the alarm and noticed that it was already 6:30 am.

Shit! I need to go!'

I grabbed my bag and anything else I might need for today and headed out the door to my apartment.

Thankfully my apartment is only thirty minutes away from the school so that only leaves me about ten minutes to get to class. As I was walking I'd passed the library, where I would sometimes go after school, I saw that they've just added a new little cafe next to the library.

Maybe I should go there today after school and finally catch up on some good books... A cup of tea and a good book sounds so much better than school right now.

Once I finally made it to school it was already about seven, so that gives me some time to get ready. I made my way to the school's nurse office, where I would work during one of my classes because I'm a TA (teacher's assistant) for them.

When I got there, I'd opened the door and started to make sure that everything was there and in place. If something was running low or gone, I would tell the nurse and she would go get more of it. While I was making sure that everything was in place, the door opened. I looked behind me and saw one of the hottest guys's in the school, which in my opinion, I didn't really care about looks.

He shut the door and looked around for the someone, I assumed he was looking for the nurse. Once his eyes landed on me, he started to walk closer.

Great, what does he want?'

"Do you have an ice pack?" He asked, while his eyes are still on me. I nodded my head and walked towards the fridge to get what he wanted. I've never really talked that much to the other students, hell, I barely talk at all. I've been like this since the accident.

I opened the door, grabbed what he wanted and turned around, only to see that he was right behind me. I'd jumped back a little from how close he was to me. I handed the ice pack and he just looked at for a second before taking it.

"Thank you." He says while bringing his gray eyes back to me. "What's your name?"

I looked at him for a bit, because I was shocked that he would even ask me that. The other students never really cared for my name, they would just call me the 'quiet girl' or the 'mute'.

"...(Y/n)..." I said in a low voice, but loud enough for him to hear. "(Y/n)?" He said, it almost sounded like he was questioning himself more than he was to me. "I like it. Thank you, (Y/n)-ya." Once he said that my face started to burn a bit.

And with that he left, I stood there looking at the door where he left.

'I wonder if he'll remember it...Nah, probably not. I mean, he's one of the hottest guys in school and I'm sure that he only remembers the names of the girls in his Fanclub or the pretty ones... What was his name again? Traffic something? Or was it traffickers La? No, that sounds stupid-'

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