Immortalize Me Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I start to cry and he pulls me into his chest.  

"It's really true isn't it, y/n?" he asks softly.  

"Mmhmm...," I reply.  

"May I ask something of you?" he says.

"Yes, Draco, anything," I reply, looking up to him.

"May I see you in your real form?" 

I nod.  This is breaking the rules, but I already am a rule breaker.  I close my eyes and I wash away my disguise.  M skin turns back to its pale blue translucent state and the jewel reforms on my head.  My pupils become a bit bigger and I slowly begin to hover across the ground.   My clothes change into a wispy white and my hair begins to flow a bit more.  He stares up at me.  I'm nervous.  What will he think of me?

"Y/n...," he says.  "You're absolutely marvellous." 

He gets up and reaches for my waits.  He pulls me down and starts to spin me around. 

"You're not mad at me?" I say, my voice distorted slightly becasue of my natural form.

"No, love, never.  Thank you for being honest with me, though.  I know I will die, but I want to maximise my time with you," he says, resting his forehead against mine.  I smile.  It's beautiful, but it hurts.  The tears begin to fall again.

"It won't stop hurting!  Time goes by so fast for me!  What will I do when you're gone?" I cry.

"Shh...," he says.  "Don't think about that right now.  Think about what's in the present."

"No, Draco.  I can't have you die.  I finally understand now.  During training, I struggled.  All the other Creators did so well and got their assignments centuries before I did.  I know why.  I don't think like them.  I think more like a human, Draco.  I don't want to let go.  I don't want to be alone.  I don't want my time with you to end and go back to the nebula..."

"I don't want to leave you, either y/n.  If I could elongate my existence, I gladly would.  You are really something, y/n.  I would do anything for you...," he trails off.  I snuggle into his arms and I sigh.  "Enjoy what we have, y/n."

I nod and drift off to sleep.


I wake up still in my natural form.  Draco's arms are around me and he smiles, realising I'm awake.

"Good Morning, love," he says, kissing me on the cheek.  I smile at him.  "I was wondering, y/n.  Is there any way to make me live longer?  I was awake almost all last night thinking about the future.  I want to be with you and I don't want you to be by yourself."

"Hold on," I say.  I scan the Database, looking for anything that could make Draco's existence longer.  I find it.  "There's a stone.  It exists in the nebula.  It can make you an immortal being.  There's only one in existence.  It was from a set of seven.  There were a few creators in the past that couldn't breed.  They could only make humans, but they wanted to raise another Creator.   They made those stones to apply to their children.  Onc they did, they realised that the stones hadn't worked properly.  They only made those humans immortal."

"Let's go, y/n," he says.  

"Are you sure this is what you want, Draco?" I ask.  He nods.  I wave my hand and a glowing light surrounds Draco.  "This is so you won't die out in space."

I take his had and I pull him outside through the window.  I grasp his hand firmly and shoot up and out of the earth's atmosphere towards my home.  Draco watches as satellites whizz by. I pick up speed and within a few minutes.  Were back at my home.  

"Ready?" I ask.  He nods.  We enter the nebula.  Other Creators are mingling together or flying by.  I continue discretely into the back where the Elders are.  "The last stone is guarded and it's behind there."

I point to an area of the nebula.  Draco nods.  There are guards outside of it. 

"We have to hide and sneak in behind someone entering," I explain.  With a twirl, I make Draco and myself invisible.

"Very well," I hear one of the Elders say as he floats past.  "I will tend to it.  Guards!" 

He waves at the Creators blocking the area of the Nebula.  They move aside and I tug at Draco and race behind the Elder in through the entrance.  Inside is a dimly lit area and floating in small cases are the wonders of the galaxy.  I watch as the Elder inspects all of them and then goes away back through the entrance.  I drop the invisibility disguise and start to inspect the cases.  I look around and finally after a few minutes spot the smallest case.  There it is.  

"Draco," I say.  "There."

I pull him over and tap the case. It opens and the stone falls into my hands.  I hold it up for Draco to see.

"Are you sure, Draco?" I ask. "Do you really want this?  You'll have to watch your family and friends die for eternity.  Are you willing to accept this fate?"

Draco looks into my eyes and he nods.  

"I'm sure, y/n.  I'll love you for eternity," he replies.  Suddenly, the room's smoke turns a bright red and an alarm sounds. The in the cases relics start to disappear around us.  "Quick, y/n!"

"Someone's in there!" a guard shouts.  "They're taking something!"

I take the stone and press it to his forehead. On contact, it glows a bright green.  I take his hand and drag him out of the nebula and I send us hurtling back to earth.


When I catch my breath, we're back on earth.  Draco is right next to me, leaning against the iron bars of his Manor's gate.  

"How do you feel, Draco?" I ask.  

"I feel great, y/n," he replies.  "Did it work?"  

"Let me check," I use my powers scan the area.  I can sense immortal beings.  When I finally come to Draco, my gem on my forehead glows.  I smile.  "It worked, Draco."

He rushes up and presses his lips to mine, I quickly change back into my human form.  He cups my face in his hands.  We break apart when we're finally out of breath and he sighs.  

"I love you, y/n...  So much."

"I love you, too Draco," I say back.

"Forever, y/n."



A/N:  This chapter was 2005 words long!  Thanks for reading!  You can do that via commenting or Personal message!  Thanks again!  Requests open!

-  Soiea

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