Ray stared at Blue, silently challenging her to say no. Blue opened her mouth, but closed it. Looking at Ray with steel, she nodded.

"Then, as your employer, I require you to stay back at home in an extended leave, that I am granting you-"

"I want nothing as such!"

"-for another month, or more, until I require your services."

Ray was breathing hard, fuming with rage. But Blue looked so composed, Ray felt like shaking Blue till she understood her predicament. But she swallowed her anger, nodding her head.

"Of course."

Blue looked surprised. She narrowed her eyes at Ray and studied her for a moment.

"But, I'd like you to come to my clinic tomorrow, to collect some of your things left there. I'll be handing you your official leave letter there, and you will take it. Hopefully I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Blue."

"Then I will show myself out. Take care of yourself, Ray. And I mean it."

Ray only slightly inclined her head to show she'd heard Blue. And taking that as the most she'd get, Blue got up and left.

Ray heard footsteps coming close to where she remained seated, but she didn't move, or do anything, apart from staring at the same spot she'd been staring at for the past minute. 


Her fingers curled over the soft material of her dress, but she just stared. Ray just stared. And her mother?

April just silently sobbed, looking at her daughter becoming what she wished none to be.



The cab sped on, not facing much traffic. The woman inside watched the world pass by, through the glass window. There was another woman, who was asleep, her head on the other woman's lap. A sudden hard jerk pulled the asleep woman from her sleep. The other woman quickly patted her head to put her back to sleep, the sleeping pill taking it's effect.  

The driver watched the pair through his mirror up front. The woman had been asleep when they'd begun their journey. The other woman had had to take the help of some other girl to put the sleeping woman into the cab. He'd stayed quiet of course, and had just watched them doing their business. He'd found it a little suspicious, but he'd said nothing.

He stopped at their destination, and turned back to voice out the amount he'd get.

The woman awake, put her finger on her lips, gave him the money, and gestured him to help her get the sleeping woman out. 

He simply did as he was told, and opened the back-door. He pushed the other woman away to the side and leaned forward to pull the legs of the sleeping woman towards him, to get a better grip on her waist to pull her up.

But that slight movement roused her, and the woman standing behind him cursed.

"Shit! Should have bought a higher dose!"

The woman waking up sat up, and blinked sleepily, letting her eyes scan her surroundings. The driver backed away to let her come out herself. But something strange happened. The woman suddenly looked stricken with fear, then started hiccuping, her breath coming in short gasps.

A push moved him away, and the woman who'd been standing at his side scrambled into the car, rubbing the other other woman's forehead and back.

"Ray? Snap out of it! Don't panic, everything's alright. Come on, don't."

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