What a waste of money. Anyway, I going to my dresser room. Staring at every dress that I have. As I being a picky kid. 'Too fancy, too shiny, too many motif, too long, too short, too dark, too bright, too glittery, too modern, too old fashioned, too formal, too casual, too fluffy, too girly...' I thought as I keep judging all the dress that I owned.

Of course, this dress isn't I the one who choose. It was mother and Dream. Since, I hate dress but wear it anyway for mother. But, today I aint have the mood to wear dress. I go to the boy's clothes section on my dresser room. And I was about to judge the clothes but been stopped by someone knocking my door room.

" Princess, are you awake yet? " said a maid. I recognized her voice. She was Kizzy. She was a Neko. She is our newest maid and her job is take care of me. And they also waste money on that. I can take care of myself.

" Go away. " I said loudly, so she can hear me clearly.

" But, Princess... today is your and Princess Dream birthday. The King and Queen wanted me to get you ready. " said Kizzy.

" Lady Kizzy, I don't need your help. Thank you very much! " I said loudly and clear.

" Princess, please.... let me help you. " said Kizzy.

" Fine, came in. I am at the dresser room. " I said clear and loud.

I staring at the clothes as I hear footsteps. It was Kizzy, she stand beside me as she said in a worry voice " Princess, it's your 8th birthday. Isn't that mean you need to wear a dress atleast? "

" I am not in the mood, for dress. But, because it's my and Dream birthday... I will wear casual clothes instead of Boy clothes. " I said.

" If you say so, Princess... " said Kizzy.

" Well, as you know I aint need any help on my life. You do know that, right Lady Kizzy? " I ask as I look at her.

" Yes, Princess... " said Kizzy with sad look.

I sigh and said " Well, I don't need maid or servant. But, I need a trusted person. Can you be that Lady Kizzy? "

She smiled and said " Of course, Princess! "

" Lady Kizzy, I feel thirsty. Can you bring me some herbal tea with a lil mint? " I ask.

And she nodded " Yes, your Highness. I will bring sour apple as well. I know, it's your favorite. " she said as she left the room.

I grab and wear black sweater, blue jeans, and white shoes. I quickly, go out of the dresser room and pull a large black, dusty, old box from my bed.

I open the box and grab one of the maps that have green mushroom symbol. After that, I put back the box under my bed. I grab my black backpack and put the map in the bag.

Today, I am going to the " Mystic Forest ". I wanted to know the " SECRET GARDEN " and " EYE OF TIME " place. And I aint telling no one about my plan. I am sure I can survive. As the fact that I have experience to go to forest and mountain and I am more pro in the wild. Well... more than Dream. I think...

She never leave the Kingdom. What so dangerous about the outside anyway. I remember the day I went camping with Father and his worker. I remember when I went hunting. It was the day, where my mother argue that it aint safe while father said I am ready for it. In the end I been told to stay but I successfuly to sneak out and follow them to the forest without someone notice me. Because I way to small.

I open my drawer, I grab few clothes, medicine box, bandages, rain coat, rain boots, snack and all of the gun that I kept in my drawer. So there is 10 gun's. And my parents haven't know about I have gun's in my room. I put them all to my bag and close my bag.

I wear them and then Kizzy came in and giving me a tea. I drink it and say thanks as I grab the sour Apple that she just gave to me and go to the dining room.

It was a fancy room. I saw Dream, Mother, and Father already there. Dream look sleepy. And I just take a sit across Dream. Mother look at me and upset as she said " My child, Nightmare. What are you wearing? "

" Sweater. " I said as I eat my apple.

" You're a Princess, my child. So act like it. Why can't you be more feminim like Dream? " she said.

" I am a Princess, but I am also your daughter! If you loved me, you should accept who I am! And not make differences between me and Dream! " I said as I continue eating my apple.

" My dear, let her be. It's her life. She has the right to wear what she want. " said Father and I agreed to father.

" Even so, she is still our daughter and she is a Princess! She should act like it! You're the eldest, Nightmare... you supposed to be more...... perfect than Dream atleast! " she said.

" Eldest? We are twins, FOR GOD SAKE!!! Our age is the same, the differences is I born few minutes early than Dream! Perfect?! No one is perfect in this world! If they're perfect, they will be in heaven and won't reincarnation again! " I said.

" Nightmare, no swearing! I am so disappointed of you! We gave you maid's to help you, cook to cook your food, facilities to you enjoy, our wealth to you spend. And this is what we got in return?! " she said.

I death glaring my mother as Dream sweating and said " Mother, Sister we don't need to fight. It isn't right and lady like. "

" You're right, Dream. I am just wasting my time to argue with Nightmare. " she said.

" Dear, please! Stop, praising Dream! Don't you see you're being un fair?! " father said.

" What do you mean, I am fair. For those who are a good kid deserve to be praise. And for those who doesn't deserve lecture. " she said as she leave the dining room.

I sigh and said " Father, am I a mistake? ". Father and Dream stare at me when I said that.

" No you aren't, sister! You aren't a mistake, you're a bless! I am so happy to have a sister like you! You're strong sister, you're brave, and also kind! " Dream said. But, I can't feel happy about what she said. I feel like it was a lie.

" No, you aren't Nightmare. You're my precious diamond. You're worth to have, you are beautiful, and strong just like diamond. " Father said.

" if you both say so... " I said as I about to leave.

" Where are you going, sister? It's way to early for your routine training. " Dream said.

Oh no.... think a reason Nightmare! You have to meet Fell, Dust, Geno, Cross, Error, and Fresh is waiting for you at the ice cream shop! Oh, I got it.

" Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me, Dream. Father, I will go to the park. " I said and father nodded.

" Can I come with you, Nightmare? " she said.

Gosh, I hate reject her wishes but I have no choice.... sorry Dream.

" You can't Dream. I am there, to meet friends. We are gonna do exercise there. So I will be back late. " I said and Dream answered " oh.... okay. ".

Guilty, that's what I feel. But, no one is stopping me for going to seek the truth.


Edit (few ours after publish this): today was my birthday! And I just realised. Now i am 14. But, my family only celebrate Chinese birthday. For the info, my real age is 14 (just now). And my Chinese age is 14 (almost 15). My Chinese birthday is at 2018, January. And when that day come. I will make Afterdeath fanfiction (and it was about Afterdeath only). Anyway, thanks for reading!

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