Chapter 3 - The Escape

Start from the beginning

Violet was grateful when he decided not to address the issue any further. Instead, he informed her, "I heard commotion. They'll be here soon. Just stay behind me."

Violet nodded her head, but realized he had already turned and walked towards the door, so he could not have possibly seen the gesture. He had turned off the flashlight as well, preparing himself to attack. Her voice was still hoarse from pain, when she agreed, "Sure."

Soon thereafter, she could hear the excited chatter behind the door and the rattling of keys. As the door unlocked, one of the enforcers from the night before snickered, "Time's up, Girl. Ready or not..."

He couldn't finish his taunt as a fist landed in his neck, crushing his windpipe, and dropping him on the floor. Even though Violet expected a blitz attack of some sort, nothing could prepare her for the stealth and precision with which the rogue took down the first guard, and went after the second. The second Enforcer had time to process what was happening and dodged the attack, but was not fast enough to outmaneuver the detainee, who rushed him back in the corridor, slamming viciously his head against the concrete, splitting it like a melon.

"You okay?" He rogue asked.

"Peachy," Violet snapped, deciding he had finally lost it. Who really asked such questions in the midst of the greatest escape of both of their lives? If longer she was not caught, she was closer to freedom. Just that notion alone was enough to want to rush upstairs, instead she gave him all the information she could, "There will be other guards on the upper levels. Once we get to the surface, the exit is to an open yard. We need to blend in," Violet continued reaching for the first guard and taking off his jacket, tossing it to the rogue. He quickly snatched it and put it on. It hung loosely around his body, but from afar he could pass as an Enforcer himself. The rogue closed his eyes, and grunted. Violet knew he was testing the silver exposure, and got pissed he could not reach his wolf.

"Let's go," he commanded, then ran up the stairs and Violet eagerly followed.

The ascent to the surface was uneventful, but stressful in its own way. Violet's heart was thundering from the excursion of pushing her body to its limits, and the excitement she was finally doing something for her own sake's. Several times, the rogue would stop and growl with frustration as he tried unsuccessfully to force a shift into his wolf form. Although they did not encounter any other resistance on their way out of the dungeons, her anxiety did not decrease. She was expecting them to be caught any moment, and found it hard to believe they managed to make it to the tree line undetected. But then again, guards were especially friendly with Breeders, and nobody questioned an Enforcer.

The night provided a thick cover, his confidence radiated from him was enough to blend in their roles, and nobody thought to question what an Enforcer and Breeder were up to. It was self-explanatory, blessed by Gagon's vision.

The rogue held onto her forearm as they walked through the yard. Violet suspected it was more for his benefit than hers. Firstly, he still didn't trust her not to bounce and alert of his escape. Secondly, he would never admit, but he needed her support because of his weakened state. She felt him brace more of his weight against her, the further they went. It wasn't until they were deep in the woods that he released her.

"Shift, and try to keep up," he whispered, then shifted, shredding his clothes. Violet rolled her eyes at his theatrics and took off her shirt and pants. If he could care less about his modesty when he shifted back, that was his problem. He could laugh all he wanted, but she would have something to wear. She then swiftly shifted and bit into her clothes, carrying them in her wolf's mouth.

As the village disappeared behind her, Violet could finally breathe easier.

This was her new beginning.

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