Captain Canary Reborn

Start from the beginning

" only thought I was dead," Leonard corrected, in his usual icy tone.

"How does that work?" Ray asked.

"Apparently, there's a meta human out there somewhere who can make illusions," Leonard explained, sounding bored."Made you all think I was dead....which reminds me, where's my gun?"

Mick took the cold gun out from an extra holster he'd taken to keeping strapped on his leg, since Snart's 'death'.

"You're going after the meta?" Ray said, shocked.

"Don't worry," Leonard said. "I won't kill her....Okay. Maybe there will be a little killing."

He took the cold gun and put it in his own holster. Captain Cold smirked. "Or a lot."

Back on the Waverider, Sara met Leonard in his old room

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Back on the Waverider, Sara met Leonard in his old room. It was strange, seeing him again after all this time. Sara couldn't stop old feelings from piling up. Rage, hatred, annoyance....calm, closeness, maybe even love...

"Are you just going to stare at me all day, Assassin?" Leonard asked, turning to face her.

"Maybe," Sara replied. "Why? Does that bother you, Crook?"

"Should it?"

"You tell me."

Leonard stared at her for a long moment, the same old cold stare he always use to wear. It was hard to tell what he was thinking when he wore that look. There was something in his eyes, though...some kind of spark, something Sara would always see in his eyes, when he looked at her.

For a moment, she thought he was going to say something flirtatious....then he said, "What happened to the professor?"

"He died," Sara told him, feeling a little disappointed.

"Jax?" Leonard asked.

"He left to grieve," Sara said.

"And Carter and Kendra?"

"They left as soon as we killed Savage."

" you killed him. That's a relief."

Sara put her hands on her hips, and looked at him sternly. "Leonard, I would love to catch you up on the last six months...but I think we should talk about...other things first."

Leonard stared back at her, clasping his hands in front of him all dramatic like. "What sort of other things?"

Sara smirked at the theif, reciting the words he'd said to her so many years ago.

"I think...being on this ship, traveling through has me wondering what the future holds," she said, "for me....and you....and me and you."

Leonard didn't question how she had remembered his exact words. Instead, he stared back at the assassin, a sly grin on his lips. "I must be one hell of a theif, if I managed to steal a kiss from you," he said, recalling the events that had taken place immediately before his 'death.'

"Yeah," Sara grinned back. "Must be."

He stood up and walked over to her, slowly. Sara felt her heart begin to race. She had to resist the urge to turn and flee down the hall. Feelings were something she'd promised herself she'd stop running from.

" would I go about stealing another?" Leonard asked.

"That's cute," Sara said. "The way you think you're gonna get another kiss from me. Must be the post death talking. That was a one time thing, Leonard."

"Was it?" he asked. He gave her that irresistible look that always made her feel like her insides were melting. Ironic, if you think about it. Captain Cold melting her from the inside out...

"It was," Sara insisted. Though, she knew that was a lie. She knew when looked at him, even though he was a criminal, even though her dad didn't approve of these "bad boy" types. He was the man who had risked his life for hers. Who had practically died for her. He was the one who had talked her out of killing Stein, when he knew it would eat her alive. And while he often acted like a conniving little shit face, he was still quite intriguing and...well damn...

"Then again," Sara added. "You are one hell of a theif..."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her lips close to his, kissing him deeply, passionately. He smirked into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist. The kiss lasted for a good two minutes, before a gruff voice interupted.

"It's about time!"

The two pulled apart to see Mick standing in the doorway, holding  a beer in his hand. "I know you were dead for six, but damn that took forever, Snart!"

"In his defense, I'm a very hard woman to get," Sara shrugged. Mick nodded and walked off.

"Where are you going?" Leonard asked.

"To find Ray," Mick said. "He owes me a six pack."

Once he was out of sight, Sara turned to Leonard, a mischievous look on her face. "So," she said, "how long do you think it will take them to get together?"

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