Months later

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Yo it's me Ryan, sorry if the last chapter felt kinda rushed,  this chapter will have more consideration into it, it will get the care the last one didn't get

Cinder: Y/N wake up
Me: no....need more sleepy
Cinder: Y/N!!!
Me: get lost
Cinder: I swear to god if you don't get up
Me: I swear if you make me get up one of us is going to have a sore asshole
Cinder: Y/N!!! Someone wants to talk to you
Me: give me one good reason
Salem: because I have a job for you
Me: holy fuck......hi Salem
I jumped out of the cot
Salem: you made home in a warehouse?
Me: well I did fight a team from the college
Salem: ah.....WHY?!
Me: well it all started like this
Cinder: you might want to sit down for this
4 hours later
Me: and now I'm here
Salem: you could've just said that you drove a train and blew shit didn't have to go into detail about shoving a churro up someone's ass
Me: I like to give detail
Cinder: oh we know
Me: so what's the job
Salem: well....we're moving into phase 3
Me: question
Salem: Yes?
Me: do I get to blow shit up
Salem: it all depends on what Cinder wants you to do, it's her operation to lead
Me: well Fire Cracker??
Cinder: *sigh* yes Y/N
Me: YAY, this is going to be the best day ever
Cinder: the explosions come last
Me: fuck
Salem: the tournament it happening soon, Neo is the replacement for you, she's a skilled fighter
Me: I've met her before......she's fucking weird
I felt my scroll vibrate, I checked it to see a middle finger selfie
Me: I think she heard me
Neo *text*: damn right i did
Salem: May I continue??
Me: sure thing
Salem: during the finals, that's when this will be complete
Me: what exactly happens?
Salem: Grimm.....that's what will happen
Me: ominous.....I LOVE IT
Cinder: thank you mistress
Salem: why thank me, you're becoming the fall maiden
Me: the Fuck?
TimeSkip to Beacon, Cinder POV
Emerald: hey Cinder.....are you ok?
Me: I'm fine, Sorry, Y/N was being a moron as usual
Mercury: I honestly don't see what Salem sees in him, I won't lie, he's a very skilled fighter, but he's a giant child
Emerald: exactly
Me: listen, this is phase three, this will hopefully be the last time we work with him
Mercury: whats phase 3?
Me: the Grimm will flood the city, during the finals, we all know Pyrrha Nikos will be in, but I want you to use your illusion Emerald, who knows, something might happen
Mercury: what will I do
Me: you'll be disqualified
Mercury: WHAT
Me: The whore is going to be the final for those girls, Emerald you know what to do
Mercury: am I going to get hurt
Me: it depends
Mercury: ON WHAT?
Me: where she hits you
Mercury: oh great
Emerald: what about Y/N....what is he going to do
Me: he said and I quote "I'm gonna blow this shit like a 5 year hooker on a wealthy man"
Emerald: what does that mean
Me: he has explosives
Emerald: I'm sorry Cinder, but do you trust him with Explosives
Mercury: personal opinion, but he is the last person I would trust with a spoon
Me: he told you that story too?
Emerald: he had a spoon story?
Me: 4 of them
Emerald and Mercury both looked at eachother in misbelief
Me: no need to worry....I have faith that we shall succeed
Emerald: I hope you're right
????: me too
Mercury: Y/N???
Y/N: sup
Mercury: where are you
Y/N: under your bed Mercury, come see, I have a gift for you
He lifted his bed to see a Y/N
Me: you stay away from me with that
Y/N: I sneak in and give you guys Chipotle and this is the thanks I get
Emerald: how long have you been under there
Y/N: a few minutes
Mercury: how did you sneak in
Y/N: plot armor
Me: Y/N.......this was a private conversation
Y/N: well yeah, CMEN and Y/N are a team
Me: CMEN??
Y/N: yeah, you, then Mercury, then Emerald, and finally Neo, put it together and it sounds like
Me: no need to finish that sentence
Y/N: good, now open up, I want to see if this burrito will fit, it was double everything
Me: you stay away from me you freak
Y/N: I ain't nothing but a horn dog
Emerald POV
Me: this hurts to
Mercury: food
We turned around to grab the food Y/N brought and started eating, meanwhile Cinder is running from Y/N

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