Chapter 1 - Introductions

Start from the beginning

When did I get so out of shape? I think to myself as I direct my horse down the center of the arena. The only noise is the pounding of hooves in the packed dirt and the heavy breathing coming from me and my mount. I pull him back into a relaxed trot and start thinking about the last time I rode.

I had been in Maine for about a month now, which means it's been about six weeks since the last time I was on a horse. I had enrolled at the University but didn't want to live on campus when I got here, so I had to find an apartment. One popped up that was exactly halfway between a respectable barn and the college, so I had to grab it fast before it wasn't available anymore. I filled out paperwork, sent in my deposit and flew in a few days later; leaving my home and horse fifteen hundred miles behind me.

My gelding, Titan, stayed at our farm in southeast Missouri until just recently when a stall opened up. Getting him here was a pain in the ass, and my father said I needed to leave him at home until I graduated. There was no way that was happening, if I was moving across the country he was coming with me.

My mind had wandered and I wasn't paying attention when a loud bang sounded somewhere behind us. I was jerked back to the present as Titan took a hard left and leapt into a canter once more, throwing me off balance.

"Shiiiiit. Settle." I scolded myself as I tried to get my seat back and bring him down to a walk to settle his nerves and cool him off. A few laps later I decided to end our morning session, besides the incident towards the end he did pretty well for being off work a month.

I check my watch to see how much time I have before class and about fall off the damn horse. I got lost in my thoughts and rode about a half hour longer than I intended, leaving me only 45 minutes to untack and get to class.

I pass through the gate and head up the hill towards the red and white barn. It's a nicer setup than we had back home, the light brown wood paneling and black steel bars contrast nicely against the concrete floor. The smell of cedar shavings and leather fills my nose, reminding me how much I missed it.

I quickly cross-tie Titan and put my tack away. I check his heart rate to make sure he's appropriately cooled off and continue to groom his deep brown coat before turning him out in the field. After quickly changing out of my barn clothes I jump in the truck, hoping to make it to campus with a few minutes to spare.

After battling traffic and the dreaded parking lot I run down the sidewalk to building C where my first class is held; Physics. I hate physics, especially this early, but unfortunately it's a required course for Marine Biology.

As I near the door I slow to a walk and run my fingers through my dirty blonde hair before walking into a full classroom. I hate sitting in front, and the only empty seats are luckily in the very back of the stadium seating. I take the steps two at a time trying to get a seat before class starts. As soon as I sit behind the desk the professor walks in.

When he walks in the class instantly falls quiet. The man has to be a solid 6'5; the sleeves on his white button up shirt are tight against his solid arms underneath. The grey vest he wears over it is snug in all the right places, and I can sense the lust from the surrounding girls hanging in the air.

How cliché, a young, hot professor teaching a bunch of students about physics. He's going to sleep with one of these drooling girls, I'm calling it now. I think to myself as I smirk and roll my eyes.

He dives right into lecture with only a brief introduction, he seems only formal. No smiling, no joking, straight to the point in a non sensical fashion. Maybe he won't be so bad after all.

As class ends the body of students, drowsy from lecture, shuffle towards the door. As I make my way through, I accidentally bump shoulders with a girl which sends her notebook flying out of her hands, scattering papers over the linoleum floor.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I frantically apologize as I kneel down and help her gather her notes before they're stepped on. "I'm such a klutz sometimes." As I glance up I notice she seems frozen in place staring at me without moving. I glance between her and our professor, whose name I already forgot, before she seems to give her self a mental shake.

"Uhm no, it's not a problem." she nervously reassures me in a small voice. She grabs the notes I hand her and quickly heads for the door before our professor calls her back.

"Mae, can I speak with you a moment?" The hard and formal tone was replaced with a soft almost cautious voice. I glance at our professor once more before I leave; he's looking towards the girl with a frown on his face, a calculated and worried expression.

She's probably his Anastasia, I think and snicker to myself. He catches me staring at him and he raises one eyebrow in a humorous way as I turn around, embarrassed, towards my next class.

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