Even though it all seemed to happen in slow motion, it didn't take long for me to feel the soul knocked out of my body as my back hit the ground.

I released a loud groan as all I can hear was Landon dying of laughter in the background.

Soon enough, I heard his footsteps rushing towards me, his voice choking out my name through his giggles.

"Are you okay?" He asks, getting on his knees as he helps me up by putting an arm behind my hand and a hand holding my other hand.

I nodded before rubbing the back of my head, slightly laughing from embarrassment.

"Sorry," he grins. Landon gets off of the ground before holding a hand towards me, pulling me up swiftly as I feel the blood in my body rush from the quickness of recovery.

"God, Landon," I hissed playfully.

"Woah," he held up his hands defensively, before peering behind my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, turning around. Seeing no one or anything important in sight, I turned my attention back to Landon who's mouth was wide open.

"Landon, what?" I asked again.

He brought the back of his hand to cover his lips, hiding his laughter as his free hand holds my shoulder and turns me around.

Then he laughed louder, leaning his head against my shoulder from behind.

"What?" I asked, laughing along without knowing the context.

"You got a little something," he choked, "behind you."

My eyes widened as my lips released a loud gasp. I turned around slightly, looking down at my behind seeing the white paint mark covering half of my pants, and trailing down my leg.

"Landon!" I screamed, turning around and hit his chest.

He didn't budge. All he did was laugh and loosely bouncing around from death.

- - -

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the closed door. With the check in my hand, I stared down at my feet. Working up the nerves to stand up straight, I lifted my head straight ahead at the gold-plated door. I knocked.

"Come in," his voice called out.

Slowly, I opened the door and peaked my head in.

"Landon," I whispered.

Almost as if he was surprised, Landon spun over in his rolling chair with an Xbox controller in his hand.

He had his headset on, pushing his hair into his face as his legs were sprawled out towards the floor.

Landon's office consisted of a huge television that was hung on top of his fireplace, and a pool table that casually rested in the corner of the big room. He had a couple bean bag chairs and a large coffee table. However, he did have a desk and chair; but I would be confused as to what he uses his office for besides hanging out and throwing mini get together.

"Aubrey?" he asks, lifting up one side of his headset, "What are you doing here?"

I smiled sheepishly at him before closing the floor behind me. Then I held up the check, waving it in the air as I mumbled, "I'm going to pay off the debt."

Landon lifts his eyebrows, jumping to his feet as he tosses his controller onto his seat. He dashes towards me and rips the check out of my hand, before grinning at the paper in front of him.

I heard Landon muttering to himself, but I couldn't quite catch the drift of his words. Before I was able to question it, he passes the check back to me and quickly grabs my shoulder and turns me towards the door.

"You have something to do," I can feel him smiling behind me.

I hesitated to inch closer towards the door. After all, I was afraid of Charles.

Landon cleared his throat.

Suddenly I felt his arms wrapping about my waist from behind, pulling me back as his chin casually rested on my shoulder. Almost immediately, I felt my body calming down against his. For some reason, his touch made me feel powerful and unbeatable.

"Trust me," he says casually, his chin vibrating against my shoulder as he speaks, "If you need me, I'll be right outside of the door."

My body suddenly didn't bother hesitating as I walked out the door. Landon unlocked his grip off me and follows me towards Charles's office. If I wouldn't been here myself, who knows how long it would take me to enter his office.

Without even knocking, I opened the door to Charles's chamber and welcomed myself in. Landon hid behind the wall as I continued.

"Aubrey," Charles smirks, "What brings a beautiful lady like you here?"

My fists clenched, and so did my jaws. I stood in front of his desk and stared down at him. He didn't seem to be bothered by my glare.

"The debt," I spoke up.

There was a pause between us, before he holds hid hands up, shaking his head, "Look, there's no way for me to lower the debt. Either you pay it back or—"

A loud slam was heard from my hand impacting the table. With the check underneath my fingers, I leaned towards Charles and hissed.

He seemed to be surprised by my sudden outburst, his body slightly jumping from his seat but remained still after. His eyes trailed from my face, down to the check clutched in my hands.

"I'm paying back now," I stated bluntly.

Charles sat up and reached out for the check, pushing my hand out of the way. I sneaked my hand away before he was able to touch any parts of my body.

I watched him as he nods in slight amusement, "Alright," he says.

I ran my fingers through my dark curls, watching him as he slips the check into this brown leathered wallet, "I'll remove the debt by tonight."

With that finalization, I turned my back towards him and quickly made my way towards the door.

"It was fun working with you, Aubrey," he says. I could feel him smiling at me deviously behind my back.

I turned the upper half of my body slightly to look at him. I shook my head and continued walking out of the cold room.

- - -

this story is coming to an end soon :c

check out my upcoming story, "Him and I"

it should be on my profile

ty luvs

x apricitys

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