Fighting For You

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'Now boarding flight AMFL20 to Korea. For passengers, please proceed to Gate 3. I repeat for flight AMFL20 to Korea, please proceed to Gate 3. Thank you.'

The intercom rang and you and the rest of the boys made your way to Gate 3. You pulled your luggage and Jimin's voice rang through your ears.

'No. I still love you.'

After he said that, you pushed him off and quickly ran away. You went back to the hotel and told your brothers and the rest of the boys everything. They tried calming you down as Jin booked a flight back to Korea.

That night, all of them tried to make you feel better. Hosoek tried to make you go to the pool with him and Taehyung brought you some food from the restaurant downstairs. Your emotions didn't cooperate though. They were so sweet to you, but the bitterness in your heart overpowered that. They decided to give you a big hug and leave you alone in your room to think.

You couldn't sleep a wink last night and decided to get some coffee from the coffee shop nearby.

"Oppa, I'll just buy some coffee there yeah?"

"I'll go with you so you won't get lost"

Yoongi walked beside you as you made your way to the shop. You ordered a Cappucino and started to sip after it was brought to you. You and Yoongi went to where the others were and grabbed your luggage. But before you could even get it, Jungkook took it away from you and started strolling towards the gate for your flight.

"This will be a long flight"


"You were out again Y/n"

Namjoon frowns as he pats your head. He grabbed you by the shoulders and walked with you to the gate. He drew you closer and the warmth from his body radiated into your form, comforting you from the dread you've experienced from the past few days.

Going to LA was supposed to let you get off of things. But, unfortunately, it made you remember things even more. You've resolved your problem by working with Jin to distract yourself from everything.

Jin works as an executive director in Seoul's biggest and most successful hospital. His father was the one who started it, but after his father retired, the business was passed down to him. You would be working as his secretary and personal assistant, enough load of work to distract you but just right to not make you feel overloaded with responsibilities.

"Oppa, thank you."

You smiled warmly at Namjoon and gave him a quick hug. He hugged you back and the both of you boarded the plane. You sat beside Yoongi while Namjoon sat behind you, beside Hoseok. Hoseok pokied your shoulder, making you turn back to see what he wants.

"Here Y/n, take it"

He handed over a pack of Doritos and you took it with sparkling eyes. You loved Doritos and it was incredible how Hoseok hasn't forgotten what your favorite foods were.

"Thank you oppa!"

You quickly opened the pack and began munching on the crispy goodness. The cheese
melted in your mouth and the nacho chips spiked your tastebuds into wanting more. You gave a quick look at your older brother and realized he was already dozing off.

'What a grandpa'

You giggled lightly to yourself and continued munching. You took some fore yourself and began sharing it with the others. By the time the pack went back to you, you quickly sealed it and out it back into your bag.
You made yourself cozy and covered your eyes with your sleeping mask and before you knew it, you were fast asleep.

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