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Author's POV


Everyone in the room was silent.

Your eyes switched from the man seated beside you to the six guys in front of you, seated with their legs crossed.

It was as if you were between a show down, but this one wasn't about guns and blood. It was about silence and awkward staring.


Jimin shifted a little in his seat, seemingly unsure of what he was going to say next.

He wanted to apologize, but the words were caught in his throat. He saw that the people in front of him were awfully calm and quiet, which was .... odd.


"Y/n told us everything, so you don't need to be nervous."

You looked at Jimin's widened eyes and smiled warmly, assuring him that everything he heard was true.

"I-I see. But even so, I want to apologize for all the trouble and hurt I've brought to you guys, especially Y/n."

*grumbles* "You better be"

Taehyung nudged Seokjin's ribs as you smiled awkwardly at your brothers and your friends.

Jimin scratched and lowered his head in embarrassment, fully knowledgeable of what Seokjin said.You moved your hand towards his and engulfed it in a comforting squeeze to reassure him that it was gonna be okay.

It's quite funny, to be honest. Months ago, you were devastated, and hated this man down to your guts. Your brothers and friends wanted to kill him with their own hands, but, here they are, helping the both of you get your happy ending.

"Sorry about that. Jin is just overprotective."

"I-it's fine."

"Let's get started, shall we?"

The two of you nodded at them and prepared to listen attentively. Jungkook pulled the white board from the closet and everyone made way so it could be open for everyone to see.

"You see Jimin-ssi, your parents were tricked into thinking you were the only sacrifice for your company to survive."

"Excuse me?"

"Mingyoung, right?"

Jin sat in the small stool in front of him and faced Jimin. The latter nodded at his question and continued to listen to what he had to say.

"I met her a while back on a blind date"

"Which means?"

"Which means... you weren't the first option. It's quite normal for family heirs to go on blind dates in this type of work. They want to secure the bloodline so the company wouldn't go off to someone second-in-line."

"We concluded that Mingyoung was sent by her parents on that blind date for a fiancé. That was supposed to be Mr. Kim Seokjin over here."

"But, I didn't like her crappy personality, and shut down all offers from their company, then on. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. That girl was just hungry for power and it shows."

Jimin ran his hands through his hair and connected the dots. He was starting to get what they were trying to say, and he can't wait to tell his parents everything.

"Do you possibly have tabs on everything? I want to show this to my parents"

"Of course, what do you take us for?"

Hoseok handed over an envelope full of documents, along with two folders. Inside the envelope were documents about Mingyoung's parents' company, and the folders held testaments from the different blind dates that denied her to be her fiancée.

"Holy shit..."

"If you look closely at the documents you have in your hands, you can see that their company is about to go bankrupt. Their man power is gradually decreasing because of unjust pay and their shareholders are already considering taking their shares before they go penniless."

"I can't believe my father knew nothing about this. He has to see this."

"The whole arranged marriage was a skit to hide all of this from your parents. They're pretty smart if I do say so myself. They pickpocket from other companies and manipulate their annual data so no one would know that they're struggling to keep up."

"Mingyoung's uncle is running for congress next election. I bet he helped with some of this so no one would find out."

"That's right Jimin-ssi. If we enforce this to them, in exchange for your freedom, it's a done deal."

Taehyung shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He took out a little black USB from his pocket and waved it in the air for everyone to see.

"And if they plan to not cooperate, we have a back up plan. Let's just say, they better do what we say if they don't want to make it to headlines and spend life in a jail cell."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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