"Stevie, maybe we should just go..." Barbara touched Stevie's shoulder as she stood by her daughter's side. "We shouldn't cause a scene."

"If you ever speak a bad word against him I will have you fired. Do you understand?" Stevie asked sternly

"Lindsey, come on. Daddy will give you a job," Taking his hand as he walked up to her

"Steph, do you feel okay?" Seeing that she looked pale
"I'm fine" she said quickly.

"Honey, we have to keep your blood pressure down. Have you eaten today?"

"I would have had he not ruined a perfectly good outing" Stevie was still livid, motioning to the man who stood with a shocked expression.

"Stephanie...calm down. Breathe." He held her hands and breathed with her, demonstrating deep breaths.

Though she breathed, she wasn't feeling much better.
"Honey, lets go out to the car and sit you down..." Lindsey took her hand
"I don't want to sit down!"

"TeeDee, listen to Lindsey." Barbara said. "Sit down and try to get your blood pressure down."

"I will quit if you want, baby. I will do anything you want." There was fear in his eyes and Stevie nodded, knowing she needed to take care of herself.

"I will talk to Jess about a job for you, Lindsey." Barbara told him.

"Thank you." he said quietly
Stevie stood shakily, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she passed out. Lindsey caught her in mid air, easing her to the floor. "Steph?!"
"Mrs Nicks, there's a phone behind the counter. Ask the manager if you can use it to call an ambulance." Lindsey said. "I'll stay with Stevie."

Barbara nodded and hurried to the counter where she promptly used the phone. Lindsey, meanwhile, stroked his girlfriend's face. He was worried but knew he had to try to stay calm.
"I'm right here, honey," he held her head in his lap, "you'll be okay..." Lindsey moved her hair out of her face. Barbara returned and kneeled beside her daughter, "Tee," patting her daughter's face, "can you hear me?"
Her eyelashes fluttered and he drew in a sharp breath. "Baby, please, wake up." Lindsey heard sirens in the distance drawing nearer to the diner.
"Tee," Barbara was trying to remain calm, her voice cracking, "it's okay!"
The paramedics arrived and it was deja vu for Barbara. They asked them each questions and only Lindsey could answer as Barbara was inconsolable
Lindsey seeing Stevie being placed in the ambulance was enough to make him cry as well, wrapping his arm around Barbara. "She'll be okay..."
"Let's follow in my car" Barbara said, then we can call her father when we get there. She wiped her tears, looking to Lindsey who nodded.
On the way to the hospital Lindsey turned to Barbara, "Do you think the baby is okay?"
"I'm sure she is. She has to be" Barbara said, nervously biting her lip as she followed the ambulance. As soon as they arrived, Lindsey tore open the door and sprinted toward the doors. The gurney holding Stevie was wheeled down the hall and Lindsey was on their heels.
"Steph?" He called after her, catching a glimpse of her pale face. "What's going on?!"
She was brought to a room and the curtain was pulled around her bed. They checked her vitals and didn't say a word to Lindsey. He spoke up again, catching the attention of a leaving nurse.
"What is wrong with her?" Lindsey wiped his eyes

"Her blood pressure is very high..."
"I know, I've been trying to keep it down. She was hospitalized before for the same thing. I'm really worried."

"She is stabilized now and should be waking up shortly."

"And the baby?" he asked.
"We will come check on them later," she smiled softly before leaving him with Barbara
"I've called Jess. He will be here shortly. He's riding down with your father since I have the car."

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