Chapter 8: A Bit Of A Backstory

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Narrator's POV

Echo and Megatron landed in front of the energon mine. "Are you sure they're coming?" Echo asked as they headed inside.

"The Autobots are desperate for energon. I have no doubt that they will come." Megatron answered her. The two stopped in a chamber of the mine that still had equipment in it. Some energon crystals were sticking out from the walls as Vehicons had not finished mining it yet. Echo leaned against one of the drills.

"Megsy?" Echo said.

"Why do you call me that?" Megatron sneered.

"Well, it's a fun nickname in my opinion. And you have to admit, you always loved the way it rolled off my glossa in a much smoother way than Megatron." Echo explained.

"I cannot deny that." Megatron stated.

"Of course you can't." Echo said with a smirk.

After a minute of silence, Megatron decided that he would question Echo's behavior on Cybertron. "Why did you do it?" Megatron questioned.

"Hmm?" Echo hummed, looking up from the tips of her digits.

"Why did you flirt with him on Cybertron?" Megatron hissed.

"Who, darling?" Echo asked, walking over to him.

"You know who I'm talking about! The wrecker!" Megatron snapped. Echo put a servo to her chin in thought.

"Oh, Wheeljack." She smiled.

"Why did you do it. Answer me." Megatron growled.

"Besides the fact that it was my mission?" Echo hissed.

"All you had to do was get some information!" Megatron exclaimed.

"I did get information!" Echo retorted.

"By flirting with him!" Megatron stated.

"Why are you so worked up about it?!" Echo asked.

"Because we were sparkmates!" Megatron replied.

"Oh shut up! You act like I didn't know you were interfacing with Airachnid behind my back struts!" Echo sneered.

"At least I cheated on you with one of my kind!" Megatron hissed.

"I didn't interface with that Autobot!" Echo stated.

"You practically did!" Megatron responded.

"But I didn't! At least I knew when to stop. You always left every day and when I asked where you were going, you always said you were hanging out with Starscream or Soundwave but I always checked with them! I always checked! And don't act like I didn't hear you sneaking out at night like seven times! Even worse? I heard the messages you got from Airachnid on your comm, talking about how much she missed you and asking when you would come back to frag her. That's the exact reason I was okay with you saying you wanted to break up. I always believed you would realize your mistake and at least say that you were sorry. But I should have known better than to expect that from a Decepticon." Echo spoke.

Megatron's jaw dropped at this. Echo knew? He had always wondered why the femme was so determined to destroy Airachnid. Megatron opened his intake to say something but then closed it. He didn't even know what to say. He cheated and there was no way he could possibly apologize for that. He put together some random words in his mind but before he could say them, Echo held up a digit to his intake. "Save it, Megsy. The Autobots are here." Echo hissed. She stood in front of the approaching Autobots and the six of them transformed.

"Echo?" Arcee, Optimus, Smokescreen, Bulkhead, and Ultra Magnus said in shock. Bumblebee beeped it.

"Hey, Sunshine." Wheeljack smirked.

"Hey, 'Bots. Miss me?" Echo smirked. Megatron walked up to Echo and placed a servo on her shoulder plate. Ignoring the glare he was given by the femme, he spoke to the Autobots.

"Autobots. I believe you are all familiar with Echo. Some more than others." Megatron spoke, glaring at Wheeljack.

"Why are you here, Megatron? There aren't any miners." Arcee sneered.

"No scrap, Sherlock." Echo snapped.

"I saw what you did to my third." Megatron stated.

"We did nothing to Soundwave." Ultra Magnus stated.

"Liars! We found him offlined on the ship with a note from the likes of you." Echo hissed.

"Megatron. Have you thought about other culprits?" Optimus questioned, looking at Echo.

"Why would I do it?! Soundwave was one of my best friends on Cybertron! We were even sparkmates once if you didn't know. I don't see why I would kill him." Echo retorted.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Echo is correct. She and Soundwave were too close for something like this to happen." Megatron spoke, revealing his blade.

"Then I suppose we'll resolve this the hard way." Arcee stated.

"We love the hard way." Bulkhead and Smokescreen stated, preparing their weapons.

::Same.:: Bumblebee beeped. Megatron was about to charge at the Autobots but Echo stopped him.

"As much as I would love to see you attempt to fight off all of them, I have a much more effective idea." Echo told him, holding up her button.

Megatron raised an optic ridge and she pressed it. Still pressing it, Echo ordered, "All Decepticons to my location. We've got a few pests that need exterminating." Within a minute, Eradicons and Vehicons entered the chamber and immediately began attacking the Autobots. "One more thing," Echo started as she and Megatron started to leave, "Don't. Lose." Echo and Megatron transformed and flew back to the ship. As they got closer, Megatron suddenly tackled Echo out of the sky. Echo headed towards the ship servos first and pushed off into a flip. Megatron landed on the flight deck with a thud.

"What?" Echo hissed, standing up straight.

"How did you do that?" Megatron growled.

"Do what? Save your aft?" Echo sneered. Megatron glared at her. "It's a device I created and placed on each of the Eradicons and Vehicons. I made it for an event such as this. You should know that I've used this trick multiple times with my own troops, Megsy." Echo replied. Out of nowhere, Megatron pinned Echo against a wall.

"You hate me for cheating and yet you still call me that. Explain to me why that is." Megatron growled.

"I never stopped loving you, Megatron. That nickname was the only memory I had left." Echo stated, pushing Megatron away. She headed inside the ship and ran into Knockout.

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