Chapter 5: Killing Others....At Night

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(if you get the reference in the title we are friends)

Narrator's POV

Echo sat on the edge of Knockout's berth. "Knockout, sweetspark, where will you recharge?" She questioned.

"I don't mind sharing a berth, doll." He replied, laying down. Echo shrugged and curled up next to Knockout. He wrapped a servo lazily over her waist and they fell into recharge.

Time Skip

Once Echo was sure Knockout was asleep, she started to get up. The mech stirred and Echo placed a kiss on his cheek. "Good back to recharge, darling." She whispered. She waited a few seconds and left. She tiptoed down the halls, going to the flight deck. Once there, she smirked. Predaking was in his beast form, curled up in recharge. The femme's smirk widened as she approached the Predacon. "Once you are gone, I can start climbing back to the top of the ranks." Echo muttered to herself, transforming her servo into a blade. She raised it above Predaking's spark chamber when suddenly, the beast's eye snapped opened and focused on her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Predaking hissed.

"Nothing, sweetspark. I just wanted to bid you good night." Echo replied, having transformed her servo back in time.

"As if." Predaking snarled.

"You'll never trust me, will you?" Echo sighed, kneeling down and putting her servo under Predaking's chin. He transformed and pinned Echo against a wall of his kennel.

"The second I trust you is the second i die." He hissed. Echo placed a servo on Predaking's chassis and leaned up towards his helm.

"Then you should trust me." She whispered before transforming her servo into a blade and stabbing Predaking in the back, right through the spark.

He fell to his knees and sneered, "You glitch." Echo rolled her optics and kneeled down to his level. She placed a servo on Predaking's cheek.

"I'm sorry, Predaking, but you were in my way. But know that you would have made a magnificent king beside me." She said.

After planting a chaste kiss on Predaking's dermas, Echo dragged him to the edge of the ship and rolled him over the edge. She went back to his kennel and wrote 'The King Has Fallen' in his spilled energon. Echo smirked and headed back to Knockout's berthroom, being sure not to take the same path she took earlier.

Echo walked inside the room and saw that Knockout was still sleeping. However, a blinking red dot caught Echo's optic.

She turned to the drone and said, "Laserbeak, my dear. What brings you here?" The drone stopped recording and Echo frowned. She transformed both servos into blasters and shot him down before he could even think. "And stay down, pest." She spat, pressing her ped onto Laserbeak, stomping him into the ground.

Once she disposed of the 'Con, she climbed into Knockout's berth and fell into recharge.

Time Skip

"Echo!" A voice shouted.

"Megsy?" Echo muttered, drowsily. Knockout pulled the female closer to his chassis.

"Five more minutes." Knockout whined. However, both Cybertronians were fully awake when Megatron blasted the wall behind them, just missing their helms.

"Megsy, what's your problem?" Echo hissed.

"Would you like to tell me why I found a message in energon next to Predaking's empty kennel?" He growled.

"What are you talking about? Echo was here all night." Knockout said.

"Indeed. Just ask Laserbeak. Speaking of Laserbeak, I haven't seen the darling thing for a while." Echo spoke, looking around. Megatron growled once more and pointed his blaster at Echo.

"You don't fool me, femme." He sneered. Echo smirked.

"You forget, Megsy. Once the week is over, I'm in charge." She stated. Megatron left, mumbling curses under his breath. "Well, now that I'm up, I might as well go annoy Lieutenant High Heels." Echo hummed, standing up.

"You do you, doll. I'm catching up on my beauty recharge." Knockout said, laying down.

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