"Nice to meet you Harry," he let's go and looks surprised, "woah! There's two more if you."

"They're triplets," Dad says, "Marcel and Edward."

"Nice too meet you," Wayne shakes Marcel's hand then Edwards hand.

"It's an honor man," he smiles.

"Is that Robin Van Persie?" keep your cool Harry.

"Yeah," Wayne looks back, "Robin!"

Holy shit. He's coming over here.

"What's up?" he's carrying his shin guards in his hands.

"Got some big fans here."

"Hey guys," he looks at the three of us.

"I think Harry's about to fucking die," Edward laughs, "he has posters of you guys all over his room."

"How nice," Robin shakes my hand, "I'm glad you guys came."

"Will you sign my jersey?" Marcel holds up a sharpie for them. They chuckle and sign his shirt.

I can't breathe.

Marcel's POV

Meeting Robin and Wayne was overwhelming and a dream! We get taken to the arena and we get to watch the game on the sidelines! We see the rest of the team warming up and we sit on the benches in the back.

The announcer calls each starting members name up and they all get in position. The whistle blows and Manchester gets the first kick.


It's down 2-1. Manchester 2 and Real Madrid 1. This game is epic. It's halftime and Dad went to go get us nachos.

"This game is so insane!" Harry stomps in is chair. It's freezing and all our noses are bright red.

I look around the stands while I wait for my nachos. I stare at all the fans in red in the stands close by and they all look pretty happy. I then spot a girl. A girl so familiar.

"Harry let me see your binoculars," I reach out to him.

"Why?" he frowns.

"Please!" I shout. He hands them over and I look back at the stands. I focus them back on the girl. It can't be.

Harry's POV

"It's her!" Marcel shouts.

"What are you talking about?" Edward looks at Marcel.

"It's Veronica!" he turns with a smile, "she's here! She's over there!" he points.

"Marcel you're insane," I shake my head, "she's in Yorkshire."

"No!" he shouts, "she's over there! I swear it! She's over there."

"Bro you've gone fucking mad," Edward glares at him, "she's not here."

"I promise!" he says.

"Marcel," I sigh.

"Veronica!" he yells, "Veronica!!" he waves his hands, "Veronica over here!"

"Will you sit down!" Edward pushes him on the bench, "it's not her!"

"Let me go!" he yells, "yes it is."

"Marcel stop!" I yell, "no it's not."

"It's her!" he cries, "it's her. I have to go get her! I have to go be with her!"

"Marcel stop," Edward grabs his jacket and pulls him back, "sit down."

"I cant!" he fights.

"I'm back," Dad comes with nacho baskets, "what's going on?"

"Control your son!" Edward holds Marcel back, "he's trying to escape."

"Marcel," he hands me the baskets and grabs Marcel shoulders, "what's the matter."

"What do you care?" he cries, "just let me go!"

"Marcel stop it! You're making a scene, what's wrong?" he holds him down.

"I have to be with her!" he cries, "she's up there! Let me go!"

"Who's up there?" Dad looks at us.

"Veronica!" Marcel yells at dad. Marcel begins to cry louder and calms down.

I look at him and how destroyed he seems without her. He cries into dad's shoulder and I stand there stiff along with Edward. Dad hugs him and looks up at us with worried eyes. Marcel has lost it.

Edwards POV

The game ended Manchester won by 3. The ride home is silent.

The limo stops not even close to home.

"Why did we stop?" I ask dad and he gets out of the car.

"Put these on," he throws in three blind folds, "hurry now."

"Okay?" we put on our blindfolds and he helps us out of the limo.

"Where are we?" Harry asks after we enter who knows where?

"Sssh," dad demands.

"It's too fucking quiet," I frown.

"Take them off," dad says.


(* Schools out which means no more late updates! Thank you for being patient with me!!

I love you guys so much :D & I'm excited for what's to come!*)

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