Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jazz's P.O.V

I wiped my tears and went over to stand by Mark's bed. He looked so peaceful. More tears escaped my eyes. Why? Why did he do this when he knew that he had to take care of us? What made him do this? Who made him do this? I then realized something. When I said 'I love you' when I left, he didn't say it back.

"Is he...dead?" Emma looked up at me. She was crying too, as well as Eliza.

I simply nodded. I didn't trust my voice. I started crying really hard. My legs felt like jelly, so I sat down in a chair. Emma and Eliza came and sat on my lap. I held them close to me. I rocked back and forth, trying to calm down.

The doctor came in. "Ms.Morgan, we've contacted your mother and father and told them the news. Would you like to speak to them?"

I nodded, and the twins hopped of off my lap. I walked out into the hall and followed the doctor to the phone at the waiting room. "H-hello?"

"Oh sweet heart! We're sorry!" my mom said to me.

"For what?" I sniffled.

"Well, we can't come back to live with you guys. We have to move to Australia." my dad explained.

"So you're leaving us in Amreica!?" I got very angry.

"I'm sorry, Ella bu-" I cut my mother off in mid-sentence.

"Don't you dare call me Ella. I can't believe you two!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry we can't be there for you this time but there is a great job opprotunity in Australia that we can't ignore." she said.

I snorted. "You were never there for us in the first place, All you did was send a few big checks every month and leave us on our own."

"I know Honey, but we really try." my father told me.

I dry laughed. "Yeah right. You haven't been here ever since the twins were born. You left me and Mark to take care of two babies. You don't even remeber how old they are, I bet."

"Of course we do. They're three years old now." my mother protested.

I got really angry. They didn't even know how old their kids were. "THEY'RE SIX YEARS OLD NOW!!"

"Oh...Well, at least we know that you're sixteen!" they said happily.

"I'm eighteen! You really don't know anything about us. How am I supposed to take care of Emma and Eliza!?" I exclaimed.

"We're still going to send checks." they said.

"That's not enough. Bye." I hung up on them. I stormed back to the room to see the boys in there already.

"Guys! You're here!" I ran into Liam and hugged him. I got butterflies in my stomach at his touch. Soon, all the guys joined us for a group hug. I felt little hands tugging at my yoga pants. I pulled away from the hug and crouched down. "Yes?"

"Who are they?" Emma asked me.

"Oh, these are my friends Liam, Louis, Niall, Harry, and Zayn." I introduced them.

They all said 'hi'. "Guys, these are Emma and Eliza, my little sisters."  

Amy and Maddie came in, saw Mark, and started crying. They came over and hugged me. "Jazz, we're so sorry."

"It's ok, you didn't do it." I said.

They looked at the boys, and started hypreventalating.

"Not again!" I said, knowing what was going to happen. They started screeching and jumping up and down. "God so help me if you two don't shut up I will duct tape your mouths shut!"

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