"Uhh sure." Stiles said uneasily.

"Oh cute dog what's it's name?" Derek asked rubbing the puppies head.

"Leo." The Halliwells said at the same time.

"He's adorable." Leo was licking Derek's hand.

Both witches took note. That was a good sign.

"Right well the damage is this way." Jackson said not appreciating that Derek was in Stiles personal space. The group walked over to the foyer and Jackson pointed at the hole in the wall. Both guys eyes fell to Derek's ass as he walked closer to inspect it.

"Finest ass in the city." Jackson whispered to Stiles.

"State." Stiles retorted.

"In all the land."

"Wow! What happened if you don't mind me asking." Derek asked as he turned to face them.

"Jackson threw a party...and...one of the people lit a firework in the house." Stiles bullshitted from nowhere. "My little brother is so irresponsible." Stiles punched Jackson with his free hand.

"I told you Stiles." He spat out the name like it was venom. "I am not responsible for the actions of others, especially drunks. But you know all about being drunk don't you." He gave a fake smile.

Scott walked down the steps.

"Not as much as you. I mean you did take that nasty stumble and split your lip."

"At least I don't start bar brawls."

"I didn't start it! It's not MY fault there were several men that were interested in me!" Stiles fought back.

Scott cleared his throat in a disapproving manner. He knew exactly what was happening. "Um hi. I'm Scott and I apologize for my brothers...it's been a weird day."

"It's alright. I'm Derek, the handyman."

"Right well there's the damage. Think it's fixable?"

"With the right amount of time and love I think it could be restored properly."

"Awesome. Sorry to be a pain but we were actually on our way out." Scott said as nicely as possible.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to impose." Derek was embarrassed.

"Not at all. When do you think you can start?" Scott questioned as he walked Derek back to the front door.

"I can start in two days?"

"Sounds great we'll see you then."

"It was nice meeting you all."

Each Halliwell said their goodbye.

Scott closed the door and got bitchy. "You two knock it off!"

"What?!" They both cried.

"I know what's up. The attractive handyman shows up and you two are at odds and talking shit. You both like him but guess what, grow up!"

The two boys glared.

"Jackson I don't know when you started having same sex feelings but don't be messing with Derek to piss off Stiles and both of you need to knock off the lies. I will fire Derek if I hear one more lie you tell about each other. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes..." They both said dejectedly.

"Good now let's go buy Leo some supplies." Scott said taking Leo from Stiles. "Oh and Stiles."


"I got a job!"

Stiles face split into a huge grin.

The brothers walked out the front and Jackson closed the manor door.
Spliff by Bilderbuch

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