6. Spell Backfire?

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Scott stepped into the elevator. He looked into the mirrored walls and fixed his tie. His hands then began to fidget with the bottom of his suit coat. He was definitely nervous. The doors began to close.

"Hold the doors!" A mans voice cried.

Scott looked to see a man dashing toward him. Scott squinted his eyes and the doors began to open back up. Scott quickly moved over to the side to make it look like he hit the doors open button.


"No problem."

"I don't remember ever seeing you here before." The man says to Scott.

"I actually have an interview with Jennifer Blake."


"Is that good?" Scott says confused.

"Means you're more than just good looks."

"Thanks." Scotts face lit up.

The elevator dinged for the guy's floor. He started walking out.

"Good luck. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you." The guy said while raising his eyebrows to emphasize the hint.

"Thanks. I hope to see more of you too!" Scott says completely oblivious.

Scott waited another moment before the elevator dinged for his floor. He stepped out, only to see a receptionist at her desk.

"Hello." She greeted him.

"Hi, I'm Scott Halliwell I have an appointment with Jennifer Blake."

"Yes, if you have a seat she'll be with you in a minute."

Scott sat there, fidgeting with his portfolio. He was prepared, but he wasn't sure what to be prepared for. His lack of understanding about what he was applying for had his nerves frayed.

The doors opened and a beautiful dark haired lady stepped through.

"Mr. Halliwell, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her face was lit with a genuine smile. She was gorgeous.

"You too."

"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice."

"Oh it's not a problem. Bucklands is such a well known company, I couldn't say no." Did that make him sound pretentious...

"How would you like a tour while we talk?"

"Yea, that's fine."

"I find that walking around makes candidates feel more at ease. I get to see the real person and not the rehearsed answers." She gave him a coy smile. "Riley, could you please hold my calls?"

"Will do." Riley pointed her finger at Jennifer in agreeance.

Jennifer and Scott walked through several key areas of the building. There was a pretty fair mix of information about Bucklands and questions about Scott's knowledge and work ethic. After a half hour they ended up in the basement at the vault.

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