1. Something Wicca This Way Comes

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"Stiles come on, it's not that big of a deal!" Scott practically yelled while closing the manor door.

"Not that big of a deal?! Scott you could've at least given me more warning! Jackson is moving back in with us and you decide to tell me less than an hour before he shows up?!" Stiles shouts out while throwing his hands around hysterically.

"It slipped my mind." Scott says while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Don't give me that puppy dog look you bastard." Stiles huffed. "And it didn't slip your mind, you just wanted to avoid me bitching at you." His fury continued as he slammed the grocery bags on the counter.

"Stiles he's our brother, and he also technically owns one third of this house." Scott states as a matter of fact.

"Well I haven't seen his one third of the money to pay for that hole we had in the roof we had two months ago." Stiles says in a smart ass tone.

Scott sighs, while running his hand over his face. "Why are you so bent out of shape about this?"

"Because Scott you know how Jackson is, he's all model and perfect and then he looks down at me and condones every action I've ever made, I don't want to live with that anymore. I'm 24 not 4. I've grown up, unfortunately my relationship with Jackson hasn't." Stiles says with exasperation his voice.

"It's not that bad." Scott says lowly, as if he's speaking to himself.

Stiles rolls his eyes, "At grams funeral, he asked me which good will I bought my suit from."

Scott puts his hands out, trying to emphasize his words. "He was just upset. You know he doesn't do well at funerals."

Stiles again, rolls his eyes. "Scott why are you defending him? He stole my prom date and he wasn't even going to prom!"

Scott took a deep breath, because he and I both knew he couldn't defend that one. "Ok so maybe Jackson is a bit..."

"A bit what?" A voice chimed from the foyer.

"Early." Stiles says toward his youngest brother.

"Hey! How was your flight?" Scott asked enveloping his youngest brother in a hug.

"It was good. I like your hair." Jackson replied.

"Thanks." Scott said beaming. He was glad to have his family together again.

"Jackson." Stiles said with a brief nod and a monotone voice.

"Stiles." Jackson said with a tight grin.

"Glad to have you back." Stiles deadpanned.

"I'm sure."

"Well I love to stay and chat, but one of us has to cook dinner."

"Hey I cook!" Scott rebuked.

"Scott you set the microwave on fire two weeks ago. How does that even happen?" Stiles remarked playfully.

"It was an accident. I didn't realize the inside of the sandwich bag was lined with foil..."

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