7. Hot Handyman

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Scott and Jackson, who showered to get the stank of demon off of them, came down the stairs to join Stiles on the floor in the living room as he played with the puppy.

"What made you get a dog?" Stiles asked.

"It actually followed me home. Do you think because he's a boy it's a result of the spell?"

"I don't think so. He's our familiar. He was meant to find us." Scott voiced.

"He needs a name." Stiles said as he gave the dog kisses on the head.

"As an apology, I think you should pick Stiles." Jackson offered.

"I like that idea." Scott said with a smile.

"Ok." Stiles pulled the puppy up to his face. "Hmm let's see...you don't look like a Jensen...or a Kyle, wait I actually hate that name...what about Kian, no, not Kian...hmmm. Leo." The puppy leaned forward and licked Stiles' chin. "You like the name Leo?" The puppy wagged its tail.

"Leo the familiar." Scott said. "Not bad."

"I like it. Good job Stiles. Although we still need to go to the store and get him food and supplies."

"Ok. We should all go and grab some food on the way home." Stiles said while getting up.

"Sounds good let me grab my keys." Scott ran upstairs to his room.

The doorbell rang.

Stiles and Jackson made their way to the front door. Stiles opened it.

"Hi, I'm Derek Hale." The over six foot gorgeous man said. He had green eyes and a killer smile. He was wearing a hunter green v-neck and had perfect eyebrows. Stiles' brain was in overload, he stood there with his mouth open.

Jackson pushed Stiles to the side and opened the door further. "Hi I'm Jackson Halliwell."

Stiles flicked his hands and Derek froze.

"Are you fucking kidding me Jackson I told you to reverse the spell!" Stiles was pissed.

"Scott and I just did reverse the spell."

"Clearly you fucked up. There is no way that this," Stiles waved his hands in Derek's direction "just randomly happens on our doorstep."

The freeze wore off and Stiles tried to act like he wasn't yelling.

"Nice to meet you. I spoke with a Scott Halliwell earlier on the phone?"

"Oh that's our brother. This guy is..."

Stiles cut off Jackson and thrusted his hand out. "I'm Stiles."

"That's an interesting name."

"Interesting name for an interesting fella." Stiles then realized what he said and awkwardly laughed to try and play it off. He fucked up.

"Right." Derek said with a kind smile. "He called about you guys needing a handyman. I know I should've called but I was in the neighborhood on another job and was wondering if I could see the damage so I could get a sense of the job."

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