Start from the beginning

"What next?"

"Diary isle." I told him, brushing hair away from my small, hoop earring. "You're not allergic to anything, are you?"

He shook his head, and I sighed in relief. 

The next thirty minutes passed by rather fast and I managed to relax through it. We placed all the food items down in the trolley, before Roman remembered he had had run out of laundry detergent. I had asked him which one he uses, but he shrugged and said any. That's when I gasped and said he needed to be careful and buy one that actually worked and cleaned up his clothes thoroughly - not just any. He shrugged and told me to pick it out.

I was now scanning through them all, taking in the information written on the label. There wasn't much provided. Some were written in Italian and others in English. It was starting to get annoying switching between the two languages.

I jumped in surprise when I felt Roman wrap his arms around my waist and hug me from behind.

"You're taking long, baby." He murmured into my ear, pressing his soft lips against my neck. "It can't be this hard to pick out laundry detergent."

"It is," I whispered, eyes fluttering closed when he trailed his hands up higher, and abruptly cupping my breast in his hands. I bit my lip, holding in a moan from the unfamiliar feeling which jolted up inside of me.

"Really?" He mumbled against my neck, hands still grasping my breast. I nodded against him, pausing when I felt his thumb find my clothed nipples and trace them through my clothing. He pushed himself closer to me, causing a small whimper to fly from my slightly parted lips.

"What are you doing?" I whispered out, feeling him gently suck on my neck as he continued to trace my nipples. I could feel the ache beginning to grow and them harden behind my bra. 

"Nothing," I felt him grin against my neck. "I'm not doing anything..."

I was so close to letting out a moan when he managed to pinch my nipples through the fabric of my clothing, however it came out as a yelp when I heard an unfamiliar voice speak from nowhere. 

"Excuse me,"

Flushing, I stepped away from Roman and glanced over his shoulder. A young woman, whose eyes were wide in shock and cheeks were red stood a few steps away from us. She pushed up her falling glasses and cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, b-but I need to... You're in my way." She stuttered, glancing between Roman and I. Stifling a laugh, I felt Roman pull me to aside and let the poor woman view the laundry detergents in-front of us. She quietly muttered a thank you and hurriedly picked up whatever she needed before turning on her heels, walking fast back over to her trolley.

I closed my eyes, feeling embarrassment flood me. Roman's chuckle sounded in my ears, making me frown at him in disbelief.

"Why are you laughing?" I cried. "Did you not see the look on her face? Oh my God..."

"Relax, Anna." He grinned, cupping my face and gently leaning down to peck my lips. "It's not like we're ever going to see her again. Don't overthink."

Hesitating, I nodded and exhaled.

"Good girl," He winked, before pointing behind me. "Did you find the one you were looking for?"

"I think I've come to a decision." I picked out the laundry detergent which said it got rid of all stains and 99% bacteria, flower scented. "This one looks good."

Soon enough we were at the check out. I was quiet when Roman interacted with the old man sitting behind the cashier. He asked him how his day was going and said something that earned a laugh from him. I silently helped pack the bags and place them inside the trolley.

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