The Girl With Kryptonite

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Kara and Alex ran down to the scene.  Kara had to help Alex because she was still in pain of being hurt from the electric blaster.

"Help!" A man yelled covered in blood outside of his car.

"What do you need help with sir?" Supergirl asked in a hurry.

"My little girl is stuck in the car."

"I'll get her."

"Don't hurt her!"

"Why would I...." Kara remembered what she had said. "Is this the little one that wore an outfit like me?"

"Yes."  Kara looked down and back up at the man.

"You have to believe that I am truly sorry.  I will do something special for her.  For now let me get her out..."  Kara ripped off the door and lasered off the seatbelt.  She was crying.

"Daddy!"  The girl had tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, it's okay your daddy is outside.  He's safe."

"Are you back now?" Kara felt a tear go down her face.

"Yes, I'm back." Kara lifted the girl out of the vehicle and held her in her arms.

"Supergirl...." Alex said as she looked at the girls let.

"Alex? What's wrong?"

"We have to take her to the DEO.  There's Kryptonite stuck in her leg."  Immediately Kara flew straight up and to the DEO.

"Where did she take my girl?!?!?" The man screamed at Alex.

"Come with me, in my car.  Your daughter is safe."  The man followed Alex to her car and drove to the DEO.

At The DEO...

"Cool! So is this like your secret layer?"  The girl asked excited.

"Ummm....yeah.  It basically is."  Kara was holding her in her arms as a team of DEO doctors ran up to Kara with supplies.

"I have to lay you on the bed."  Kara began to put her down but she was scared.

"No!"  The girl became scared.

"I'm going to be right here." Kara held the girls hand as the doctors tried to work the kryptonite out of  her skin.  When the kryptonite started to show, Kara began to turn green.

""  The little girl did not like the abnormal look to her hero.

"Supergirl?"  The girl slipped her hand away because to her, Supergirl looked scary.  Kara looked up, not wanting the girl to be scared.

"It's...ok....." Kara looked at the girl.  Alex then pulled Kara away from the girl. The girl looked traumatized.

"Ahh..." Kara gasped for air, then looked at Alex.

"Kara.  Kara! Are you okay?" Kara was bent down.

"I am now...I need to get back in there.  She needs me." She stood back up and began walking.  Alex pulled her back by putting an arm on her shoulder.

"Kara, she's going to be fine.  Why do you care so much about her anyway?"

"Because I knew her the first time I had Red Kryptonite.  I have done it twice,  I have watched over her.  I care about her...."

THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Behind The Accident BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now