Meet me at the corner at 8pm, I need to talk to you.


I read that note over and over again.  Who the heck could this be?  Could it be Tony?  Maybe one of Hayes' friends messing with me, Tyler loves to play pranks and scare people.  But Tyler wouldn't do that to me.  Then, I though of someone.  Could it be?  No, it cant be, I saw him once, and then the cops got him.  It absoloutly cant be.

Maybe it can be?  Dad?

Fear passes through my body, and I quickly run inside, completely ignoring everyone.  I sprint to my room, and lock my door behind me.  I pace back and fourth in my room, trying to figure out what to do.  Do I go to the corner tonight, or do I stay home.  Should I tell someone about this? 

No, come on Gianna.  Your 14, you can handle this on your own.  I look at the clock that reads 6:57.  I have an hour.  I decide to dress in all black clothing, that's what all people in movies or books do when there in this situation, right?  I think so, atleast.  I slip on a pair of my old, worn out black converse that I haven't worn in forever.  Wait, converse aren't good running shoes, what if I have to run? I decide against converse, and put on a pair of black, nike running shoes that I got a while back.  I put on black eyeliner under my eyes like football players do, and then I check the time again.  7:30, I still have a half hour.  I walk around my room, thinking about who it could be.

Theres a 75% chance it may be Hayes, Nash, or one of there friends.  The other 25% it may be Tony, Dad, or someone who doesn't like me.

Right now, I'm praying it will be one of Hayes or Nash's friends, or Hayes or Nash themselves.  I would rather not see Tony or my dad waiting for me at the corner, ready to kidnap me.  I'm terrified, I've never been so scared in my life.


The clock reads 8:00, its time to go.  I throw on my block hoodie, and try to sneek downstairs.  But then, I see Hayes sitting on the couch watching tv.  I try to sneek behind the couch, and it works, but h catches me by the door.

"Where are you going?" he asks, pausing whatever he was watching.

"Oh, um, I have some, business, you could say, to take care of." I say quickly.

"Want me to come?"

"No." I immediately reply. "um, its a private thing, I have to see, um, Layla, for a second." I lie right to his face.  I can see that he doesn't totally believes me, but he says ok, and plays his show.  I let out a relieve, yet worried breathe, and head out the door, closing it behind me.  I star off to the corner, where I see a figure, in all black as well, standing there.  The person isn't facing me, so I cant see who it is.  Theres still slight sunlight, but its hardly noticeable.  Its practically dark out.  I see the figure turn.  I immediately regret coming.

"Hey, sweetie." he says, grinning.

"How did you get out of prison?" I yell, terrified.  I start backing away.

"Is it obvious? I snuck out, what else?" he retorts, coming closer tp me.  I then hear footsteps running behind me.

"Gianna!" I hear someone shout.  I see Hayes and Nash, running towards me and my father.

In a swift motion, he slings me over his shoulder, and starts running to an already-running car.  He thorws me in the backseat, and I hit my arm on something metal.  I see blood, a lot of it, as he slams the door.  Ii start screaming, and look out the back window.  I see Hayes running after the car, and Nash, probably taking a picture of the licese plate.  I look farther down the block, and see Mom's car backing out.  Then his car speeds down the road.  Mom's car is behind, but I'm scared that they wont get to me in time.  I mean, I'm bleeding, getting kidnapped by an achoholic, and I'm just overwhelmed.

Moving in with the Griers ( Hayes Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now