Chapter 25

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Cookie tapped away on her phone patiently waiting for the docter. Lucious insisted on getting a whole damn checkup. She was calm, but he wasn't. His mind was running a muck.

Questions like, is she pregnant?, what happens of she is?, am I ready for that?, can I redeem myself?, am I a bad father?, what if there's more than one?, how will she react?

He was so lost in his thoughts he diddnt hear himself being called. A popsicle stick flying at him broke his trance. He looked over at Cookie as she sat on the patients table.

"Huh?" He asked. She smacked her teeth.

"Why you over there sweating like a whore in church?" She asked watching him intently.

She gave him a look that said don't you lie to me. As he went to open his mouth the door opened. In strolled her docter. He flipped through his clipboard then looked at them.

"Well alright Ms.Lyon all your tests have come back nice and healthy. I don't see any type of problems." He started. That wasn't what Lucious was trying to hear.

"As of your Menopause concerns, we did some test and found your Hormone levels are high. Indicating that you are very much pregnant Ms.Lyon. Not Menopause."

Cookies heart felt like it stopped. That was not at all what she was expecting. She was getting old she suspected it was the change. Well she was fucking wrong. Lucious on the other hand couldnt believe his ears. Sure he thought it, but it's different to hear it.

The room was dead silent. Cookie and Lucious stared at the docter with blank faces. He nervously cleared his throat.

"I'll just give you some time for that to sink in." He spoke then exited the room.

Lucious whistled his brain simmering those questions down. The grin on his face was the biggest Cookie had seen in a while. He stared at her as if she was a peice of the finest art. There was so much love and adoration in his eyes. Her eyes begun to well up with tears. The smile quickly left his face.

"Baby why are you crying?" He asked getting up and standing in between her legs. She wiped her tears holding her stomach.

"I'm just happy baby." She smiled looking down at her stomach. He smiled pulling her into a hug.

"Your a cry baby. You know that?" He teased. She hit him on the shoulder.

"Stop giving me your babies then." She retorted. He smirked down at her pulling her to him.

"Can't wait to get up in that girl. I missed yo ass." Lucious growled rubbing her thighs.

Her docter came back in the room with an ultra sound machine being pushed by a nurse. He smiled at the couple now smiling.

"Alright. Let's get you guys a quick ultra sound and I can answer some concerns you may have." He spoke instructing Cookie to lay down.

"I understand you may have some scares running around in your head. Yes?" He asked her. She nodded as, the gel was placed on her stomach.

"Is age one of them?" He asked her.

"The only one." She spoke watching as he smeared the gel around.

"Well with out test we found your extremely fertile. Which means your age isn't a factor. If your not careful you'll be having healthy babies well within your 50s." He spoke as the heartbeat flared through the speakers. It was strong and steady.

"50s you say?" Lucious joked earning a glare from her. He nodded smiling as he pulled up the image.

"Ms.Lyon congratulations your about 2 months pregnant." He spoke taking snapshots of the ultrasound.

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