Chapter 8

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The decoration was utterly beautiful. Of course everything was white with hint of gold. This year though courtesy to the Queen herself the dance floor lights were a warm pink and soft gold.

Everyone was dressed to perfection. Models, rappers, singers, designers they were everywhere. This gala was just for fun but, it also gave a business side. Drawing in potential investors.

The last of the artists scheduled had preformed and Cookie found herself starting the night. A couple strong drinks later she was out on the dance floor with her boys and Dwayne. She wasn't drunk but, she was on that thin edge.

Soon she found herself just dancing with Dwayne. She was surprised she's only known one man to keep up with her and that was Lucious.

As an old school song "Just got paid" blasted through the speakers she let loose. Dwayne and her were bumping and grinding to the beat.

To the people close to them you saw them playing around. Their dancing was innocent and fun. To the eye of none other than Lucious they looked as if they were feeling each other.

He has been watching them for a while. Well more like since they walked out on the dance floor hand in hand. He has been drowning his anger in drinks. Which he failed to realize only added fuel to his simmering rage.

He found his self almost teetering over the edge of drunk like the Lyoness. Not to mention his damn "wife" was not helping. Latching on to him like a fucking leech. Every excuse he found to push her away seemed futile. He soon found his self sitting with the demon in his lap.

He'll Anika wasn't stupid. She could feel his anger radiating of him. Anyone could if they choose to pay attention.

She was sick of watching him watch her. What pissed her off more was the fact he did it so openly. She thought about the little friend she had in her purse. Who would check the hosts anyway.

Today was her day. Cookie couldn't have it like she has all the others. She started to gyrate her hips in time with the beat. He groaned which she assumed was of approval. When it was really of discomfort.

She had to be stupid to push him when he's in this mood. She would regret it ultimately and so would he.

Wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her up his lap. When he made no moves after she continued her dance. Placing his hands in her thighs she let out a soft gasp. Oh She had his attention now.

"Is this what you want?" He paused shorty as she nodded fast. Not even waiting for the rest of his statement. He leaned into her ear letting his breath tickle her. She squirmed in his lap in response.

"...For me to touch you huh? Like you don't repulse me.." He snapped in a whisper on she could hear.

All her movements stopped and so did her ability to speak. He looked up to notice Cookie heading torwards the bathroom.

"Get off." He snapped again placing a kiss by her ear.

She knew it wasn't a kind gesture. It was for show as she saw the camera flash on her side. He diddnt wait for her to move. He got up forcing her to stumble a bit and walked off.

She sat there hurt and stunned at his words. Sure she's done her dirt but he has to. When she looked up again Cookie was gone as well. Her mind slipped sanity. No! They couldn't fool her. It was time for her to take action. Assert her self in the Lyon pride and that is just what she planned to do.

While Anika lost her sanity the Lyoness was busy using the restroom. It was high time the drinks she consumed came knocking at her door. She gave herself the once over making sure she was presentable still.

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