Chapter 4

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"...and then all the Lions came together to help the cub. She was saved and Lions went after who  threatened their reign. The opposers were not ready at all. They crumbled just as fast as the built. The Lions forever ruled the jungle. Waiting for who deared come forward to try their hand. The end." Cookie spoke softly putting the youngest Lyon to sleep. It had been a long day for the both of them. Bella fought her hardest to stay awake but the sleep was catching up on her.

Cookie told her the story that put all her babies t sleep when they were young. It was a story she made up after she and Lucious married. They became The Lyons and she felt like they were unstoppable. It seemed to calm the young Lyon and them. It was a beautiful story about a young lion cub who wandered off trying to find its way in life. It encounters a foe on the way and they attack the young lion. The Alpha and Lyoness go weary of their cubs disapearence. When they found it surrounded by troubles they saved their cub with the rest of the pride. The lion found its importance in life and they lived in peace until the next foe apeared.

Cookie watched the child sleep peacefully. She knew down the road in her life she would encounter a foe. She would be able to overcome them as long as she relied on her family. They don't always have to fight her battles. No support goes a long way in struggles. Whats built on a strong foundation in every Lyon is family regardless what happens is priority.

"You still remember that story?" Lucious's voice broke the silence suddenly scaring Cookie. I mean she knew he was around but not exactly where. He had a creepy way of popping up. She turned and frowned at him. How could she forget.

"I made it of course I would remember. You diddnt?" He could be such an airhead. He slowly crept fully in the room looking down at Bella.

" I never forgot. I told that story every night to the boys when you got locked up." The gentleness of his voice almost made her cry. He was being honest.

She stared at him tears forming in her eyes. They diddnt have to say anything. He knew that simple action meant a lot to her. Her kids had something that always reminded them  of their mom from the heart. He wiped her fallen tears with his thumbs with a soft smile. She smiled back. It was just silent as they looked into eachother.

She felt it, her wall crumbling down. She knew this was dangerous. There was no telling what was gonna happen now. Could she ever really be done with man? Possibly. There was a chance it could happen. It was as small as pea but it still was a chance. The love they shared between the two defied the laws of physics. It was very real. Very much so but, there was something about that love. It was unreal it hummed in everything they shared or touched.

It ran deep down in their DNA. Their bond had many emotions that strengthened it. Everything that has happened between the two has happened has only strengthened them. Yeah they had minor set backs but it was always steps forward.

" I gotta go Lu. We have that board meeting tomorrow." She smirked. If that diddnt send red flags to Lucious he was delirious. He smirked back. Oh she had something up her sleeve.

"Oh? You got something for me?" He asked raising his brow. She winked him and said nothing. She turned to leave putting that extra swish in her hips. She knew he was watching. His gaze was burning. She turned her head to look at him over shoulder. Winking again she went out the room leaving him and his dirty thoughts there.

"Your grandmas gonna kill me Bella Bear." He whispered to the sleeping baby. Shaking his head he flipped the light off and left.

The Alpha Lyon waltzed around his house for awhile. Clearing his mind of all his troubles. Making himself a scotch he went to his room. His eyes damn near popped out his head. Anika sat on his bed in a very enticing piece of lingerie. His eyes saw Anika but he couldn't help but to think what Cookie would look like in the esemble. His manhood sprung to attention at the thought.

The devil on the bed smiled. She thought she had an effect on him. Boy was she wrong. When he snapped outta his trance he scowled. Completely ignoring her. He went about his business like she wasn't in the room. He brushed his teeth, then hopped in the shower. When he got out she was still sitting on his bed. Her mood had fallen now as she stared at him in disbelief. He climbed in his bed and clapped twice. His lights shut off and he rolled over. He stretched and ended up kicking her. Clapping twice again the lights came on. He didn't look at her he groaned.

"When your done sitting there. Leave and shut my door." With two more claps the lights shut back off. He purposely nudged her off the bed then sprawled out. With a loud "Fuck You" she was gone and he could sleep.

Short update but I'm working on other things for Collision Course

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Short update but I'm working on other things for Collision Course. Don't be discouraged more to come.

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