Chinese Food

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That was when a throat clearing made me stop what I was doing. I untangled myself from Reed. My cheeks were flushed red in embarrassment. I still hadn't looked at the person that had caught us, and as I tried to get up off of Reed's lap he pulled me back on. Thoughts of a teacher having caught us made me attempt to get off again. His arms tightened around me again, and a smirk played on his lips as he looked behind me. I turned and anger flooded through me when I saw it was Ash.


Jaiden's POV

Leaning back into Reed's warm and safe embrace, I glared up at Ash. I was so angry. I could feel my hands clamping into fists. Did he not just hear when I told him that I wanted nothing to do with him? Hurt flashed in Ash's eyes, but I knew now that he was just a very convincing actor. I rolled my eyes at his performance and tried to turn away from him.

"Jaiden, I know you probably won't believe me right now, but when you get your memories back you'll see that Reed is lying. I don't blame you for the choice you made, because you are confused with everything that has happened. I hope you get your memories back because I only want the best for you, and Reed is not that," Ash said with serious eyes before walking away.

I stared at his retreating form my mouth agape. His little speech made me nervous. What if he was right? What if Reed isn't telling the whole truth? No, I chided myself, Ash was the one that said that I was just some other girl. Reed has never said anything like that. I needed to trust Reed instead of going for Ash out of merely attraction. I was attracted to Reed too, he was extremely handsome, but something about Ash had me practically drooling. However, I knew that Ash felt nothing for me when Reed did. I would focus on Reed from now on and forget that Ash ever existed.

"Baby, you want to go get something to eat?" Reed questioned while smiling down at me.

I flushed and nodded my head shyly. He was very attractive, and I was so lucky a guy like him wanted me.

"Alright, what kind of food do you want?" he questioned while pulling me off the bench with his hands in mine.

I squinted my eyes in concentration. I loved food, and I usually became indecisive when making my choice on what I wanted to eat. Reed looked down at me with amusement in his eyes. He laughed quietly but waited patiently for me to think about what I wanted.

"I want Chinese food," I said happily.

He chuckled and put his arm around my waist.

"Sure thing. You know you look really cute when you think," he whispered into my ear.

I looked up at him quizzically. I didn't realize someone could look cute while they were concentrating, but it pleased me that he seemed to think I did. Stepping up on to my tiptoes, I placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. Reed leaned down and returned my kiss, with one of his own on my forehead. I loved how easy it was between us. I felt like we really were a couple. It made me feel more relaxed to know I made the right decision in believing him.

We made our way to his car. I cocked my head to the side slightly confused. I thought that Riley had said that something had been wrong with Reed's car. I didn't know very much about cars, but I assumed it took longer than a few days to fix.

"Riley said that something was wrong with your car. How did you get it fixed so fast?" I asked innocently.

Reed's eyes widened in panic for a split second before he masked it with an impassive face. His eyes went upwards towards his head like he was thinking of an answer to the question I had asked. My question wasn't a difficult one, so it made me slightly suspicious of his behavior.

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