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"I'll walk back with you to make sure you get to your dorm safely," she said smiling.

I nodded in return. I smiled thinking about how I found my first real friend here. I might be confused on what had happened the past few days, but I felt confident in one thing. Although, I had felt alone, like I couldn't trust anyone, I now had Meagan here to help me. We might not become best friends, but at least I had someone with me that I could talk to. Unfortunately, the rough part was still to come. I needed to know what had happened on that night that resulted in me in the hospital broken and bruised. I'd have to talk to Ash, Reed, and Riley I thought nodding in conclusion.


Reed's POV

Watching Jaiden walk away, I felt slightly bad for what I just did. I had no idea she had lost her memory before the talk we just had. On the positive side, it helped my circumstance. I thought it would be hard to win her over after the party with Riley being my friend. However, with the memory loss I would have no problem getting her to trust me. I seemed to be very convincing and cunning when I wanted to be. Riley had no idea she no longer had her memory. This news would thrill him because it made his plot for revenge so much easier.

I knew nothing happened between us. I also knew it was a cold hearted thing to say that there had been something going on. Confusing someone that lost their memory made me sound beyond evil. However, I was a loyal friend above anything else. Riley came to me early this morning severely beaten. He told me what had happened. He said he had been just trying to talk to Jaiden to make Ashton jealous. I knew why Riley was going through so much trouble to make Ashton jealous. Revenge. Riley was consumed with the need to revenge the loss of his girlfriend. I didn't understand why he was so broken about the relationship. It was a freaking girl, not anything special.

I shook my head clearing my wandering thoughts. Riley then said that he had saw that Ashton was at the party, so he really started coming on to Jaiden. Which was obviously a very bad idea. For some reason Ashton was really protective over Jaiden. I didn't understand why. She was a bitch. I mean I felt kind of bad to mess with her when she lost her memory, but she deserved it. Jaiden walked around like she deserved the attention of everyone, plus she created a load of trouble for Riley. I thought of Riley as a brother, so I would do anything to back him up. Which is why I was pretending Jaiden and I had a thing. Riley informed me that if he couldn't get revenge himself, then he wanted me to do it for him.

Riley said that Ashton walked in when they were in a rather compromising position. I didn't care what Riley was doing with Jaiden. It was none of my business. It made me slightly uncomfortable to see Jaiden with bruises all over her, but I reminded myself that if Riley deemed it necessary then there must have been a good reason he had hit her. Pushing the thoughts away I faced Ashton who was red and shaking with anger.

"How could you do that? I thought that there might be some humanity in you, but I realize after this you have none. You are the most evil person, besides Riley, I have ever had to deal with in my entire life. I can't stand to even look at you. I swear to you, if you hurt her, I'll kill you. Ask your friend Riley for proof on that," Ashton said quietly in a way that made his threat seem even more threatening.

I wasn't scared of him though. I could handle myself in a fight. Even though Ashton was more muscular than me and a little taller, I fought dirty. When Ashton fought, he fought by the books. Which benefited me due to the fact that I didn't care whether or not I was being fair, at all.

"Ashton, you don't know what went on between me and Jaiden. Even if you did, what will you do about it? It sounds like you screwed up pretty bad, and by the looks of it, she will choose to listen to me over you," I said while smirking.

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