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"It's okay sweetheart," Ash said loudly into my ear, so that he could be heard over the music.

I nodded, and I felt safe in his arms. My eyelids began to feel heavy. I snuggled into Ash's warm body, and I felt my eyes slip close. I'm safe, I thought before I fell asleep.


Ash's POV

Jaiden snuggled into me closer, and I saw her eyes close. I began to worry. Should I let her sleep? Will she be okay, or should I be trying to keep her conscious? She sighed in her sleep, and the first smile I had seen on her face all day crossed over her face. Granted it wasn't the same playful one from when I first met her, but it still made me feel amazing. My girl was right where she needed to be, in my arms. I wouldn't be letting her go anytime soon either. I couldn't believe she got me to stop punching Riley. I wanted nothing more than to kill that bastard for hurting Jaiden.

She groaned quietly as I walked out the front door. Knowing she was in pain, I began to start walking at a faster pace. She broke my heart when she had told me that she was in pain. I needed to get her to the hospital I thought with dread. People at the party weren't even looking at our odd departure. Most people were so drunk they wouldn't remember it tomorrow even if they saw it. The front yard was cleared out because most of the people moved inside or had gone home. I chuckled lightly at the thought of someone walking in the upstairs bedroom to get it on with someone only to find Riley. I guess I really was a horrible person, but I couldn't find it in me to be the least bit worried about him.

I breathe a sigh of relief when arriving to my car. I opened the passenger side of the door, and I gingerly set Jaiden down. Damn, I didn't want to let her go yet, but I knew I had to. Closing the passenger door, I jogged over to the driver side and hopped in. I drove to the hospital closest to our location while glancing worriedly at Jaiden every few seconds. I didn't want to go to a hospital, but I knew for her I had to. She had yet to wake up, and it was beginning to make me really nervous. I could tell her ribs were hurting her because even when I had been tenderly touching her stomach to hold her, she had still hissed out in pain. Anger coursed through my body at the thought of Riley breaking her bones. I wanted to turn around, go back to the party, and beat the shit out of him. I knew I couldn't, but the idea was tempting.

We arrived at the hospital, and I ran to get Jaiden out of the passenger seat. I began to feel desperate again. I didn't like to see her this fragile. Holding her, bridal style, I jogged in to the hospital. A shudder went through my body as I stepped inside, but I pushed it aside for Jaiden's sake. Frantically, I ran to a woman that seemed to work there, judging by her blue scrubs.

"Please, you need to help my girl... um friend. She's hurt. Her ribs might be broken," I said flushing because I had almost called Jaiden my girlfriend.

Although Jaiden had seemed more than happy to see me, I knew that she would have welcomed any random person that had walked through the door at that point. I hoped she would still feel safe and want to be with me when she gets better. Either way I knew she was most likely being sweet right now out of gratitude.

The woman began to yell orders at a few other people, also wearing the blue scrubs. I didn't pay attention to what she was saying because Jaiden began to murmur in her sleep. Most of it was unintelligible, but my name rang loud and clear in my ear after she let it slip from her lips. She smiled after saying my name and snuggled impossibly closer in to my chest. I smiled with pride, happy that my beautiful girl was saying my name in her sleep. All of a sudden Jaiden was being taken out of my arms by a rather large man. I didn't care how big he was, I was going to protect Jaiden. I don't know who the hell he thinks he is, but he won't be having my girl in his arms.

I reached out my arm and put a firm grasp on his arm while saying coldly, "Put her down, now."

The man looked surprised and said, "We have to get her X-rays. You can see her after that's done. You need to calm down young man. If she wakes up, and you act like that she will most likely go into this sleeping state again. She needs someone strong and stable. Are you going to be that person for her?"

I felt stupid immediately. I should have noticed the blue scrubs he was wearing, but I was so intent on keeping Jaiden safe. His words dawned on me, and I realized he was right. I needed to be strong for my baby.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry, you just surprised me. I'm going to be here for her. Which room will she be going to stay at after her X-ray?" I asked.

He pointed over to the woman I had first talked to and said, "She'll inform you of everything you need to know."

With that he walked away and set Jaiden on a gurney. After one last glance over at Jaiden, I made my way over to the woman. She greeted me with a warm smile. It didn't make me feel any better, but I appreciated the attempt. She began to rattle on about where Jaiden would be after the X-ray. She informed me that the doctors were making sure the broken ribs wouldn't puncture into a lung. The thought of that made me feel slightly queasy. Unfortunately, she had said that there wasn't much they could do if the rib was just broken. The nurse said that Jaiden would stay the night, so they could make sure she was stable before they released her. When she began talking about contacting her parents I realized I had no idea who they were. I realized they could afford the X-ray because I had seen her dorm room. Judging by the room alone I knew she had money. Even if they didn't have the money for it, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind paying.

"I'll have Jaiden help me get in contact with her parents when she wakes up," I said.

The nurse continued to try to make small talk about Jaiden, and I realized what she was saying wasn't that important. Also, I was anxious to get back to Jaiden's side, and I wanted to find her room.

"I'm sorry. I really want to go find Jaiden," I said before jogging down a random hallway.

I might have been rude to her, but she had to understand I didn't want to small talk right now. Jogging down the endless hallways I shuddered. I hated everything about hospitals. I hated the white sterile walls and floors. I hated the cancer section of the hospital where people that you knew weren't going to get better were located. It reminded me of my past-when I had to visit a hospital often. Don't think about that now Ashton, you need to be strong for Jaiden, I thought. I took a deep breath of the air, but I couldn't seem to get a deep enough breath. The thoughts started flowing over me. Thoughts of my mother laying in a hospital bed. Hair no longer on her head, but her strong smile still intact. I remember still thinking she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I vowed to never step foot in a hospital again after I watched her pass away after the two years she had spent there. However, here I was. In the place I hated the most, for Jaiden. Jaiden, I thought! I have to get to Jaiden. I pushed all thoughts of my past out of my mind as I ran down the hallway.

No one looked at me twice as I ran down the hallway like a mad man. I assumed they saw things like this all the time. Hospitals were rarely ever a happy place. I knew for the nurses and patients that seeing a distressed boy running down the hall was nothing new. I had once been inside the rooms with my mom watching people like me run down the halls frantically. I had always said a quick prayer for them and their loved ones. I hoped someone was doing that for me now, even if I wasn't aware of it. I knew most likely I was overreacting, but if the rib had punctured her lung then it could be serious. Plus, with my history of hospitals, I didn't blame myself for always assuming the worst because the worst had already happened to me.

Finding the room 3212, I sighed in relief and walked in. No one was here yet, but I sat down in a chair in the corner. My heart was in my throat. I needed to see Jaiden again. I needed the reassurance that she was okay. I just needed Jaiden. Damn, I hope she gets here soon, I thought, setting my head into my hands. 


Hey everyone(: I know this is short, but I had a little spare time! I wasn't going to post until next week, but I decided to post a short one even though I posted yesterday(: So.. PLEASE VOTE!(: Comment on what you think about Ashton revealing a little bit of his past! The next chapter will have Jaiden in it so no worries! Also, it will be longer! Please continue to read, comment, and vote! Thank you all for your support! I lover you all(: 10 votes?(:


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