New Friends

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He got back into the bed, and the warmth of his body replaced the coldness that had seeped in when he had stood up. I smiled and snuggled into his chest.

"Goodnight, Jaiden," he said then kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, Ash," I said in return.

My eyes slipped closed and the last thing I heard was Ash murmuring in my ear.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'll make it up to you. I'll get you to trust me again. Goodnight love," he said so softly I had to strain to hear.


Jaiden's POV

"Sweetheart, you need to wake up now," Ash whispered softly in my ear while rocking me back and forth in his arms.

"Good morning baby," I said quietly while cuddling into the warmth of his body.

He smiled and his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"You're sweet in the morning," he commented.

I laughed a slight laugh my ribs aching, prohibiting me from full out laughing.

"Not usually. I think it's because you're here, and I'm so comfortable," I said truthfully.

My eyes began to fall shut again, so he kissed my closed eyelids.

"You can't go back to sleep Jaiden. I have to take you back to Hollows," he said while untangling himself from under me.

I pouted, but slowly sat up so that I could get ready. A nurse walked in then smiled. She was small with short spiky brown and blond hair. She looked spunky and cute.

"Hey little girl," she said happily, "Time to get you dressed."

I realized I was in a hospital gown, so I nodded for her to help me up. Slowly I got out of the bed with every part of my body protesting. Instinctively, I looked over to Ash for support. His eyes were full of worry, and he was running his hands through his hair. I beckoned him with my eyes. I wanted him near me again like he had been a few minutes ago. He quickly walked over to me, and right before he went to wound his arms around me he was intercepted by the small body of the nurse.

"Oh no you don't," she warned, "She needs to get changed, so she can get going to her home. Wait until later to do all that."

She pulled a wheelchair behind me, and told me to sit. I tried to protest. I was hurting, but I was able to walk and function fine. It made me feel incapable of taking care of myself, which is a feeling I hate.

"Don't you even think of telling me you're fine missy! You have a broken rib, and I mean just look at you. You're covered in bruises," said the spunky nurse.

I sighed and sat down my cheeks flaming red with embarrassment. Right before we left the room to go to the bathroom I looked over to Ash. He was looking out the window and seemed to be lost in thought. I assumed he was thinking of the rest of the story he still had to tell me. We got to the bathroom, and the nurse promptly stood me up. She shed me of my clothes, then began to put me in a shirt I didn't recognize. It looked large, but I didn't question it. Once she slipped it over my head a familiar smell filled my nose. That's when I realized it was Ash's shirt. Why the hell did I only have Ash's clothes? What had happened to mine? I came to the conclusion that whatever had happened at the party, it must have been really bad. The nurse helped me back into the chair and then wheeled me back to the main room.

"Jaiden, we need to contact your parents for the billing for the X-Ray, and to inform them of your condition," said the nurse.

I nodded and said, "You don't have to bother calling and telling them my condition though. They won't care; I take care of myself."

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